Make a wallpaper that represents your favorite manga/anime/video game pairing. Express their feelings through gestures, quotes, phrases, lyrics from a song - anything that will suit your taste as long as it's still related to the challenge. Be creative and original.
Here are some guidelines to follow:
- Feel free to use any variety of textures. They're also substitute if you don't know how to make a background.
- Images must have a good quality. I don't wanna see any pixelated or blurry parts, especially if you're making widescreen resolutions.
- Give a meaningful title. Please don't use their names (e.g. "Ichigo and Rukia") or "My Favorite Pairing". Why not try something sweet? Go and play with words! ;)
- You can mix and match pictures, but don't make it messy.
- Be sure to submit your work here. Only 1 entry per contestant.
*Note: Yaoi or Yuri is allowed.
And last but not the least, have fun! The most beautiful finishing touch-up is to give your work love and effort. You should enjoy it!
I hope everyone would be delighted to join. Good luck to all of ya!!