Yo! So this challenge is very simple...make a green wallpaper!
- The wallpaper's primary color must be green, other colors are fine but I want most of it green!
- You must give proper credits and don't forget a signature
- The wall paper must be from an anime or manga, no games this time.
- You can enter 2 wallpapers.
- Dedicate the wallpaper to me (^_^)
- Remember to make it GREEN!
- 1st place - A wallpaper and a gift!
- 2nd place - A card and a gift!
- 3rd place - A gift!
Hope you all like my challenge and have fun!!!
EDIT: OMG it was SOOOO hard to pick winners this time, there were SOOO many good wallies, thanks for everyone who entered! (^_^)
Winners: Please PM me what you would like on your wallpaper/card!