innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Cathedral Of Dreams

Cathedral Of Dreams
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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PLEASE VIEW AT 1920 BY 1200! :D

Woo-hoo!! All wallpaper sizes! XD YAY! I have never done that before! Tis proud of myself. *sniffs* I worked hard on this one too! >:D

First off, the creator of this incredibly beautiful artwork is "Moonknives" His(or maybe it is a girl..?) work is utterly amazing. I found the image on, so here is the link to all of his beautiful creations^^ He has a main website, but I don't know the url for it^^;

Moonknives gallery

and here is the original picture of this wallpaper:

Original Image

So for this one, of course I had to resize it a little and made it a little brighter. Then I added two textures with about 5 layers for each one, were from are on the wall^^), added the swirls, flowers, bubbles, and antique brushes, which were from Aethereality and Crescent Dreams. I can't remember which exact brush was from those sites though^^; I added a lot of brushes to Sakura's and Tomoyo's clothes and added a lot of the brushes to the ground. :D Make it look fantasy like^^

And yes, they are in a least I am guessing so^^; XD

This is dedicated to my very good friend wallpaperotaku^^ Thank you so much for always leaving awesome comments for me and just for being a great friend! I am so sorry for not dedicating something earlier to you^^; but I thought this was the perfect wallpaper to make for you since you like Card Captor Sakura and basically anything CLAMP^^ Sorry its not Tsubasa though^^; XD *hugs*

I hope you all like it as well! Suggestions, comments, questions, or advice would be great^^ Thank you very much! Take care and may your day be filled with smiles! ^__^ ♥

Card Captor Sakura Wallpapers
bear, beautiful, brushes, bubbles, card captor sakura, cathedral, clamp, cute, dark, flowers, light, moonknives, sakura, swirls, textures, tomoyo
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