Dementia (Wallpaper Portfolio) Becoming Insane

Becoming Insane
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I'm back Baby, well sort of. I just pop out for awhile, for a halloween wall. This is my first wall done with Photoshop CS3. I just got it so I'm learning how to use it. I thought I would be able to do all these awesome coloring but alas I need a tablet. Anyway I started with the outline and just kind of went on what I knew. I really ended up liking the coloring except for the hair, because I have to freaking clue how to do hair yet, and just when on the original picture. I'm also proud of the eye because I've never been able to do anything like that in the past. For the original concept I wanted him to being sitting on skulls, but I could not get the skulls to blend plus with his weird perspective I could not find anything to actually flow with his perspective. My friend said that it didn’t really look like he was sitting to begin with. So I ended up having to cut part of him off because of it. I hated doing that. I got lucky and found some really good ribbon brushes. I also did not know I wanted to use textures but it ended up because it was to dark.
I really love photoshop and illustrator I find I can do so much more with them now. I just need to figure out how to use them.
Tips and tutorials much appreciated.
Credit where credit is due
Vector image from
Brushes from DArt
Now badly done in photoshop CS3

Peacemaker Kurogane Wallpapers
blood, chrono nanae, gonzo studio, males, mangaka, monochrome, naked, peacemaker kurogane, red eyes, suzu kitamura
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