josephine12cute (Wallpaper Portfolio) sketchy perspective

sketchy perspective
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A simple wallpaper made by me. Sorry if the standard version sucks since I definitely designed this wallpaper for widescreen only.

Its the young Goku back in his "heavenly" days falling asleep after doing some sketches of his friends. My Taekwondo teammate requested me to make a Goku version of a tutorial that she saw in abduzeedo (for her tumblr blog with the same name), but she's the one teaching me the tutorial itself. And thanks to her, I learned new photoshop techniques! I was actually making this during rest time after training in her laptop and I had fun making it. It took just 2 hours or less. The scan is from the art book Salty Dog VI.

I find the "Sketchy Perspective" a good title and I really love the simplicity of this wallpaper since it reminded me of Goku's childhood days back in heaven (read Saiyuki Gaiden, its a must!) ...and relieved me from the pressure I feel since TOMORROW'S THE TAEKWONDO FINALS!!!

Inspired from Foolish Heart by Nina... I know the song is irrelevant, but set the lyrics aside and listen to the instrumentals. I find the beauty and simplicity of the wallpaper in the music itself.

Dedicated for kisskiss-bangbang... thanks for always cheering for me and I promise I'm not gonna BREAK A LEG.

Also dedicated for all Saiyuki fans, hope you all like it.

A new revision available in AnimePaper.

Saiyuki Wallpapers
foolish heart, josephine12cute, nina, saiyuki, saiyuki gaiden, son goku
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