Karmira (Wallpaper Portfolio) Dance Frees Your Soul

Dance Frees Your Soul
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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First, this is a very different idea than my original idea one, but I am thrilled with this finish!

I started with a photo of mine from my trip to Spain this past summer. The sunset over France was wonderful! However, I decided to let Iz be my muse. I have been constantly stunned how he has changed an image with just brushes and textures. Now, brushes my program wouldn't let me us, but with his influence, I had started working with textures a couple times. In this background, I tried to take that to the next level. I used a blue grunge and watercolor texture changed to blend over layers. The watercolor softens the back clouds and the blue grunge brings out the intensity and glory of the sunset.

The handsome boy is character of one my favorite manga series, Koi Hirari (Love. Lightly). Look at the link for a more detailed description, but in poetic terms, it is the story of two people from separate worlds being brought together through the beauty of dance. Ironically, even if I didn't plan on it, this wallpaper expresses the manga very well.

The profile idea didn't do enough for the beauty of his pose on this page, so I added a transparent render on top, pushing it to the side a bit to create the highlighting effect. It took a while to get the profile to work. I ended up creating a few clones to get it to work just right. I love the sense of movement with the hands that happened by accident.

Dancing is one of my favorite things to do, so this wallpaper gets a special place for that reason alone.

Dedicated to Iz. Get better soon, and take care of yourself, friend.

I hope you like the wallpaper.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
addicted to you, dance, koi hirari, love lightly, sunset
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