Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Fantasy skies

Fantasy skies
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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To be honest I haven't seen this anime at all. But from what I've seen of it, it looks pretty good. I noticed that the main characters Sheryrl and Ranka are rivals/friends and they both want to be with this guy named Alto. Also I've noticed it's a bit like Gundam Wing with intergalatic space battles in giant robot things. The music from this anime is amazing. I've already got several songs from this anime on my mp3 player. Most of the songs are sang by Megumi Nakajima and May'n. May'n does the voice of Sheryl and Megumi Nakajima does the voice of Ranka Lee. You should here some of these songs, they're amazing! Especially when they sing together.
For my wallpaper I created a fantasy type background with fairies and stars. I think it turned out to be really pretty. I overlayed a scan of Sheryl and Ranka in the background. It gave it a nice effect. I also extracted an image of them from another scan for the main image. I hope it turned out alright. I would like to dedicate this to HarvestMoonLuvr. I don't know if you like Macross Frontier but I hope you like the wallpaper. I hope everyone else likes it too. Sorry I haven't submitted many wallpapers lately, I've just been so busy with school.
As an added note, check out the 1280x800 widescreen version for the best quality. The others won't look as good.

Macross Wallpapers
macross frontier, ranka, ranka lee, sheryl, sheryl nome
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12 members Favoritefavorite
Rabbita Ashebabe Hyper Mew26 VampireGod harvestmoonluvr Artgrrl Razing Phoenix Yammi chan
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