Title: Tai BluernSeries: Digimon AdventuresrnCharacter: Taichi (Tai)rnrnVector by Yamionpu @ Minitokyo.netrnrnSo this is almost the same as my other wallpaper "Sagittarius Blue" which I just submitted. I realize some might say I saved time and was lazy, but I didn't really intend for these wallpapers to be different. I was trying to decide which I liked more to use for my anime list background for the site myanimelist.net and Azusa won. I'm planning to use Tai for my manga list instead.rnrnThere are a few differences between the wallpapers. Azusa is a bit darker while Tai is more on the lighter side. This changes a lot of the shadow and lighting effects and colors of the wallpaper so that if you compare side-by-side you'll see that they are pretty different... at least coloring wise. HahaharnrnAnyway, this is for Tai =)rnrnBrushes @ freebrushes.com
riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Tai Blue
1600x900 | 1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 10/23/12
- Category
- Digimon Wallpapers
- Tags
- adventures, blue, digimon, tai, taichi
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