Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) just Light Em Up on Fire!

just Light Em Up on Fire!
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Original YANG is original + Background Yang Xiao Long

Background | Silhouette Yang | Fire | Flame burning embers | Brush

Song(s): 1. Just Like Fire ~ P!NK
2. My Songs (Light Em Up!) [Stelman Extended] ~ Fall Out Boy

Other Wallpapers I made similar to this one

R (collab with Snowzi) | W | B

Yep I made yet another entry for "Be My Bad Boy/Girl" wallpaper challenge. This time it is a badass girl. This time, it's Yang Xiao Long from RWBY.

Where do I even begin with the reasons of why I think she is badass? Well one, she just is. She is confident in who she is and what she wants. We first meet Yang in the badass Yellow Trailer where she is shown with her sister Ruby. She walks into a nightclub with this badass entrance and she just owns it. She steals the show basically. When the fighting starts, she completely goes from a sweet girl to one fiery super saiyan badass girl, completely tears the place up.

Aside from her supersaiyan side, she also has kind of a maternal instinct as well. She is kind of a guide to Ruby and the others. She is also shown to be a strategist in one episode of RWBY, so she is also very intelligent. Yang is a well rounded character. She's tough and badass when she needs to be, soft and vulnerable at times, knows how to make herself known, and that is the reason why I think she is just awesome. Oh and she has a tendency when she takes damage, she absorbs the damage and sends it back to enemies in powerful flames, so powerful it turns her eyes red.

The songs I chose to represent Yang are Pink's Just Like Fire and Fall Out Boy's Light Em Up. The reason these songs fit Yang is they describe her fiery personality and her confidence. She literally burns with confidence when she fights and at other times as well. Just Like Fire perfectly describes her uniqueness and when I first heard that particular song I immediately thought of Yang.

Since I can't put AMVs together like I wish I could, I make wallpapers representing the songs and characters. I did my best to try to recreate the feeling of Yang's Yellow Trailer with lots of epicness and yellow fire. I didn't want to go overboard so I tried to make it as elegant as possible. With the arranging of the lyrics from both songs, and editing and putting everything together, this wallpaper took me a couple hours to complete.

That being said, I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. And dedicated to Snowzi because I can.

RWBY Wallpapers
badass, burning, embers, epic, fire, flames, lyrics, rwby, yang, yang xiao long, yellow
10 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
DrarkBlade Karmira ElementalNinja Snowzi allycat2090 XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
Be My Bad Boy (or Girl)

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