Axel Backstory

Yup. This is MY version on how Axel became ...well... Axel. Or, how Lea became Axel. Yeah. That makes much more sense.


Lea gazed down the empty strech of beach, wondering what to do with his life. Well, what was left of it. Which wasn't much. His family died, leaving him nothing. His girlfriend of three years who he was going to propose to, dumped him the day he got fired from his job for some other man. And the one person who always had his back ditched him for some who-knows-what cult of wierdos. There was nothing left for him. No family. No friends. No money. Not one thing to his name.

He plopped down next to the surf, hugging his knees. Why did the world hate him? He did nothing wrong. He was always kind, sure a little prideful, but that wouldn't cause the world to hate him, right? Guess not.

Sighing, he fell back and gazed up at the glimmering stars, just coming out after a beautiful sunset. What was there left for him to do? He had no home; that burned down in the fire. Maybe, just maybe he should...give up. After all, no one would miss him. Just jump into the ocean, gulp some seawater and drown. It'd look like an accident anyways. People would come up with a story saying he went out for a late-night swim and drowned. And hey, maybe no one will find his body. Heck, even if someone did, they wouldn't care. He was just a nobody and always will be.

That turned out to be more true than he ever imagined.

Slowly, Lea began to feel less and less until he could feel no longer.
