Hi! I'm Panou!
*UPDATE* This world is currently INACTIVE.
Most of my current creations are posted in my Instagram now HERE!
Please enjoy your stay here! What? Are you a hotel? This is where I ramble and blabber about what I make and create! Whether it's art or using FIRE!! <--- baking. Enjoy your time here!
Usually I'll post references to what I make, but if you don't see it and would like to know how I made a particular item, feel free to comment to me or PM me for information!

Hey guys! Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted in this world.
Well, to lay off of drawing for while, I've been making some crafts. I found my mom's beading and fabric supplies and started playing with them for the past week lol~
- Hairbows
- Small yoyo with a bead in the middle
- Jeweled hairpins
- Beaded hairtie
- Beaded bonbon hairties
- Sarubobo plush (tutorial HERE)
- Earrings
I hope I head back home soon because I don't have all of my supplies to work with. I'm supposed to be headed back around June hopefully!
Let me know if you're curious on how I made or assembled these!
I sewed a new bento bag a few days ago for my lunches for school. ^^ It's still kind of small, but I like it. I also embroidered a bear, a bunny with a squirrel, a fish with stars ,and a narwhal. 8D

Bento bag tutorial courtesy by La Fuji Mama and Cotton Spice
I'm going to a wedding this Saturday, and so I decided to paint my nails~ ^^' I'm so impatient once again~ xD It's kind of messy, since I just finished last night, so I've yet to take off the excess polish off my skin. ^^' I wished I had a darker green...
Whoops, I just notice my right hand (shown) has the black seeds the wrong way, and my left hand has the correct way of the seeds. Haha~ I should have took a pic of my left instead~ xD

I improvised my own way, but here are some tutorials online that inspired me: 1 2 3
Made these some time ago~ I always forget to post! @_@
They tasted good with Tostitos cheese dip LOL!

Made a kusudama ball that took forever to make! D: I got inspired to make one~