Made these some time ago~ I always forget to post! @_@
They tasted good with Tostitos cheese dip LOL!

My cousin loves cookies, and he requested to make these some time ago, and now I had time to today! 8D These are also for my Sunday school kids tomorrow, just in case they the cake I made earlier is too little for them~ xDDD

Recipe >>HERE<<
I made a cake for the kids I teach at Sunday school tomorrow~ ^^ Those kids are so hilarious~ I spoil them too much~ xDD I totally went overboard on the sprinkles! xD

Inspiration from recipe in In Katrina's Kitchen
Be prepared to look at this horrid thing~ xDD LOL!

A cake I made for a girl's hangout two weeks ago. Yes, it's look funny, but it tasted soooooo good~ *o* The top ones are the ones I baked, and the bottom one is one my little brother baked, and I just used the leftover frosting and made the strawberry glaze for it.
A slightly sweet bready inside and cream cheese frosting, with fresh strawberry glaze. My brother's was chocolate. ^^
Recipe came from here in Gourmet Gaming, but I totally didn't prepare! So I improvised the whole way through basically~~ ^^' Whoops~~