Goddess of light, lightning, happiness/joy, insanity/euphoria, praise, reward, speed/haste, life, purity, beauty, health, and bliss.
Name: Pholith or Iaelas depending on where the character's from
Age: N/A
Gender: Female
Species: God
Hair color: White
Eye color: Sky Blue
Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: Wind and light manipulation, shoot lightning bolts, fly incredibly fast on a pair of wings, very slight shape shifting, some healing powers, invoke insanity/joy
Weapon(s): Shoot feathers, fire lightning bolts, light beams
History: At first there was one Titan of a God, but something happened where the 4 gods split out of him. She's a 1/4 of a Mega God. She also tricked Tiael into filling her pool with infinite water, which she later charmed with happiness. When Apolave went on his rampage, she tried her best to heal Urysos' spirit sister. She also maybe or not had a fling with Urysos, but who knows.
Personality: She's nice until she gets bothered. Can easily be stimulated and become over-active, maybe slipping into insanity? A bit motherly, too.
Strengths: Can fly fast. Birds can eat fish if their big enough, so maybe over Tiael if she gets strong enough.
Weaknesses: Urysos and his ordeal. Aloof and reckless
Family: The other Gods, I guess? And the Titan-Mega God?
Friends/relationships: Only people in her faction, or who follow her. Maybe Urysos 'cause their kind of similar.
Likes: She has an infinite spring of happiness that she rules over. Filled with nymphs. Flying, Sunlight, Speed, and Opportunities?
Dislikes: Everyone who tries to oppose her. Evil and death. Pretty much Apolere/Apolave/Araibus.
Fears: Losing and having to become enveloped into the winner god.
Sayings: The Light will gust you off and into happiness! Follow the breeze!
Extra: A pre-pre-pre alpha look just to get her down.