In a world in-between, there lived a Titan-God who ruled over the world of Ta'Phil. Yet one day, the Titan-God mysteriously split up into four smaller, different gods that were flung down into Ta'Phil. From their separation, a small nexus-like world, Fuese, was created, allowing them to create and mold a world for their own use. For one year only, they were on Ta'Phil, in which the grew followings and other events that slowly pushed the Gods further and further away from each other.
Mysteriously through the former Titan-God's voice, the Gods learned that if one of them can reach the top of a mountain on Fuese, then the Gods will reform back into one massive God again and the winner will become the primary voice over the other Gods.

The Gods each gathered a team of four to five followers, and this is the tale of the journey each God had to make in order to win and lead.

Gods and Team:

Pholith/Iaelas - None yet!

Apolere/Apolave/Araibus - None yet!

Urysos - None yet!

Tiael - None yet!


Goddess of water, sorrow, truth, law/order, hope, ice, faith, protection, the Moon and planets, and knowledge. Name: Tiael Age: N/A Gender: Female Species: God, but also part fish. Hair color: Deep navy/ Sapphire...

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God of fire, Terra (magma/earthquakes/volcanic stuffs), love, frenzy/mania, wonder, curiosity, frivolousness, magic, sun/stars, and desire. Name: Urysos Age: N/A Gender: Male Species: God Hair color: White ...

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God of darkness, anger, poison, corruption, death, war/battle, disease, and the hunt. Name: Apolere, Apolave or Araibus, depending on where the character's from. Age: N/A Gender: Male Species: God Hair color: Red...

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Goddess of light, lightning, happiness/joy, insanity/euphoria, praise, reward, speed/haste, life, purity, beauty, health, and bliss. Name: Pholith or Iaelas depending on where the character's from Age: N/A Gender: Female ...

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