God of darkness, anger, poison, corruption, death, war/battle, disease, and the hunt.
Name: Apolere, Apolave or Araibus, depending on where the character's from.
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: God
Hair color: Red-brown maroon color
Eye color: Wine red
Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: Poison things/people, invoke rage into people making them fight without reason, incredible strength and agility, manipulate shadows
Weapon(s): Maybe a Halberd or an Axe?
History: At first there was one Titan of a God, but something happened where the 4 gods split out of him. He's a 1/4 of a Mega God. Also, when he had just emerged from being split, he went on an uncontrollable rampage and killed Urysos' spirit sister.
Personality: Loud, cruel and relentless. He'll get what he wants and usually he goes straight to fighting instead of talking. Easily angered and sadistic.
Strengths: Does being stubborn count? He is probably the most physically strong of the Gods. Excellent hunter. Resilient.
Weaknesses: He's too rash and crude. He only sees one way and does things only his way.
Family:The other Gods, I guess? And the Titan-Mega God?
Friends/relationships: He hates everyone and is a hard-ass to please, so he barely even acknowledges his followers and just sees them as tools for use.
Likes: Death, gore, anger, destruction, and hunting. Likes to argue, but not bicker.
Dislikes: Everyone, pretty much.
Fears: Becoming weak and powerless. Also fears becoming overwhelmed with power and self-destructing.
Sayings: Mortals are good for nothing more than slavery. Insolent humans, you know not of the immense chaos I can create!
Extra: Hint: He's wearing fur. Sorry It's a bit hard to see, as I'm still trying to get everything down...