Goddess of water, sorrow, truth, law/order, hope, ice, faith, protection, the Moon and planets, and knowledge.
Name: Tiael
Age: N/A
Gender: Female
Species: God, but also part fish.
Hair color: Deep navy/ Sapphire
Eye color: Half black and half white
Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: Water and ice manipulation, invoke feelings of hope and courage, slight future prediction and minimal mind reading
Weapon(s): Her two shields and a sword
History: Once a part of the mega God. She was fooled by Pholith to give her an infinite pool of water (which she turned into a spring of joy).
Personality: The most mentally strong of the three Gods. Strong willed and is reasonable, but still pushes for her ideal even if others say no, aggressive yet motherly, values truth and action
Strengths: Wise and is able to see different viewpoints, Accepting, wary, cautious. The best leader out of the gods.
Weaknesses: Cold personality, sometimes overagressive and pushy and takes things too far. Has to have a bit of water every now and then.
Family: The other gods, but she kind of looks over her followers like children.
Friends/relationships: She is OK to her followers, but doesn't always trust them.
Likes: Water, swimming, leadership, honesty, astrology and the Moon. Equality and justice.
Dislikes:She hates Apolere for being to hasty and crude, and she still has a grudge against Iaelas for tricking her, so she has maybe the is 'OK' with Urysos, but she only sees him as a walking groin. Heat and cruelty.
Fears: Loosing her good judgement, seeing her own future, having Araibus become the leader of the gods.
Sayings: Show strength of mind and heart and it will lead you towards your future! Fight with courage as I will fight alongside you!
Extra: She's probably the most 'finished' out of all the Gods. The two things are sheilds and right now they look awful.
She's also my favorite god TBH