Yeah, this world is what is going on in my head and my life. (Well some of what is going on in my head...not everything. Just wanted to clear that up for you.) So yeah, hope you like reading what I have to say. Don't forget to comment to. I would like to know what you think of my world you know. Cause if it sucks, I would like to kno. So, yeah, that's it!!


Hey hey there as you may know I have been a a few post on confessions. Particularly my personal confessions. So right now I'm going to post a much related video on the subject matter at hand. Usually something like this would go into my music world but today is something extra special. I would post a few more confessions along with this video but I have to review my list and the ones I already posted so I won't tell you the same things over. So until then my dear friends...Enjoy this video.

Well, now, isn't that just creepy?

I am so confused right now. I don't even know how this happened. But apparently some dude is like madly in love with me. Its strange because I never even gave a single hint that I liked him or anything. All I did was be polite and said Hi back. We ended up having a interesting conversation while waiting in line, (really now that I think about it, don't know why I was waiting in line in the first place). But anyways we exchanged emails, (I have like hundreds of emails so I gave him one of the ones I really don't use at all). He seemed like a nice person but I guess being nice doesn't mean anything if your creepy. Checked that particular email and he wrote a poem for me with a bunch of other mushy love crap. The thought was nice I guess but is so freakin weird and I'm a bit creeped out by it. Maybe if I actually knew him and he wasn't just some person I said hi to once then I wouldn't be as creeped out. This is what I get for talking to strangers. hmmm I guess this could get interesting. I could pretend to be some type of secret agent working on a secret case or something weird like that. Besides It's not like a main email address anyways so I can always ignore him. lolz. but what I don't get is how is that possible that he loves me? That was what really freaked me out the most. I guess maybe he is just probably lying or over-exaggerating.

Well moving on to more important things. I am super bored and supper hot and probably should be doing work right now. Yup. I am suppose to be doing work right now. I have less than 4 weeks to complete this class yet I'm sitting here slacking off. What is wrong with me??!! Wow I can be such a failure at times. But I mustn't fail. That would be bad. I don't even know why I'm procrastinating, geometry isn't even hard at all. Takes forever to do, but its not hard. That's it, I will face geometry and come out victorious! Yeah!! My butt hurts....stupid floor, T.T they just don't make them how they use to anymore.

one more thing, BABIES ARE SOO CUTE!!! :3
More on this when I post again. really need to get off this floor....


I couldn't think of a title for this so I just called it title. Pretty clever huh? lolz

Anyways today had been filled with nothing but sleep. seriously. I stayed up until 7 in the morning and Didn't wake up until 8. Then I eventually went back to sleep and here I am typing this. I'm pretty sure I could've stayed sleep until tomorrow, but I didn't want to do that. I have anime to watch and actually I have work to do for summer school. I have been slacking off with going to summer school. I should probably go tomorrow but I'm staying home. Its internet classes so I can just do the work at home. ^^

Anyways, I have been some major anime watching. I just recently finish watching Negima and it was awesome. Right now I am watching El Cazador De La Bruja. Its okay from what I have seen so far. I only watch one episode of it so yea.

Moving on, have you any of you ever slept on the floor? It is an amazing experience. I was reading a book sitting on the floor and fell asleep. It was surprisingly comfortable, and refreshing all at the same time. Lolz Maybe I'm just weird though...

Speaking of weird, I had a burger and when I bit into it, it looked red. Then I was all ew it isn't done all the way! But after closer inspection, it was just ketchup and I freaked out for nothing. Sometimes my imagination just gets the best of me. -_-

Here's a picture of my favorite character from Negima. I don't know how to spell his name so yeah, he'll just be frog.

I'm back!!!

Hello all! And welcome to the Grand re-opening of MY WEIRD IMAGINATION!!! Its weird I know because I never really actually closed it, so I cant be opening something was never closed. Well that's were your wrong! In my weird imagination what makes sense to you is invalid. in fact everything you thought was logical is not logical in fact its ILLOGICAL!! Lolz So with that in mind leave a comment. If you hate this post and my grand re-opening leave a comment, if you liked it leave a comment, if you have questions or concerns or comments leave a comment, if you don't want to leave a comment, then leave one anyway telling me why you don't want to leave a comment. I love comments no matter what they are, how mean or insignificant! xD

Moving along, I know I know, I have been gone for some moths. Maybe a year...or two, but whose counting! There was a reason for that. You know what that was? I typically got bored with the site and busy with life. But upon having free time, I looked back at all my posts and realized how much fun this was. And thus that began my new legacy. Now I can go on and on describing things that have past, but I think Its time to move on. With a new start comes a new .....what ever I forgot what the heck I was talking about. But anyways I wont be talking about the past but about events as they so happen.

I have missed you all, and hope you all are still as awesome as you were before I left, and no doubt, i think you are! lolz

There is still more to come! I want to leave you off with an awesome picture or some type of video but I dont have anything. So I'll try and think of something awesome to get your brains thinking. I know! Ill leave you with a small scenario, and in the comments you can tell me what you would do

You and others maybe friends that you met are the only ones who can save the planet from the destruction of an unknown outside opposing force. How would you do it?

If that's too complicated than answer this:

You walking down the street when suddenly out of the sky an alien walks up to you and introduces him/her self to you . What do you do?

If you dont want to answer either one, plz do, still leave a comment. Even if your comment is just hi, I highly sterss the fact of you to leave a comment. It only takes a quick second! ^_^

Until next time!
