Yeah, this world is what is going on in my head and my life. (Well some of what is going on in my head...not everything. Just wanted to clear that up for you.) So yeah, hope you like reading what I have to say. Don't forget to comment to. I would like to know what you think of my world you know. Cause if it sucks, I would like to kno. So, yeah, that's it!!

Extremely Creepystories

Just got done listening to these stories being read this guys voice is amazing and makes the stories sound awesome. Just thought I'd share it with you all ^.^

Well, now, isn't that just creepy?

I am so confused right now. I don't even know how this happened. But apparently some dude is like madly in love with me. Its strange because I never even gave a single hint that I liked him or anything. All I did was be polite and said Hi back. We ended up having a interesting conversation while waiting in line, (really now that I think about it, don't know why I was waiting in line in the first place). But anyways we exchanged emails, (I have like hundreds of emails so I gave him one of the ones I really don't use at all). He seemed like a nice person but I guess being nice doesn't mean anything if your creepy. Checked that particular email and he wrote a poem for me with a bunch of other mushy love crap. The thought was nice I guess but is so freakin weird and I'm a bit creeped out by it. Maybe if I actually knew him and he wasn't just some person I said hi to once then I wouldn't be as creeped out. This is what I get for talking to strangers. hmmm I guess this could get interesting. I could pretend to be some type of secret agent working on a secret case or something weird like that. Besides It's not like a main email address anyways so I can always ignore him. lolz. but what I don't get is how is that possible that he loves me? That was what really freaked me out the most. I guess maybe he is just probably lying or over-exaggerating.

Well moving on to more important things. I am super bored and supper hot and probably should be doing work right now. Yup. I am suppose to be doing work right now. I have less than 4 weeks to complete this class yet I'm sitting here slacking off. What is wrong with me??!! Wow I can be such a failure at times. But I mustn't fail. That would be bad. I don't even know why I'm procrastinating, geometry isn't even hard at all. Takes forever to do, but its not hard. That's it, I will face geometry and come out victorious! Yeah!! My butt hurts....stupid floor, T.T they just don't make them how they use to anymore.

one more thing, BABIES ARE SOO CUTE!!! :3
More on this when I post again. really need to get off this floor....
