This Ain't No Party, This Ain't No Disco, This Ain't No Foolin' Arooooooound

Random videos and links ahoy!!

That's all for now.

Forever Red

(Thanks to SomeGuy for nudging me in this Power Rangers episode's direction.)

This is part one of the Power Rangers: Wild Force episode "Forever Red," famous for uniting all the Red Rangers in Power Rangers history (except for Rocky, who apparently had signed on and then couldn't get back in contact with the producers after moving). Anyone who loved Power Rangers needs to watch this, because it embodies everything that was so wonderful about the series -- hilarious excess, ridiculous posturing and general WTFery. It is wonderful. Even if you aren't a fan, you should watch this.

Some of the highlights:

-- The villains ride horses. On the moon. WRAP YOUR HEADS AROUND THAT ONE.
-- One of the Red Rangers looks like Revolver Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid 3 and speaks like Jean Claude Van Damme. His buddy looks like a reject from S.T.A.R.S.
-- "This is the Quantum Ranger." Everything that is so ridiculous about Power Rangers is summed up in that line.
-- Jason upstages Tommy by riding in on a motorcycle when Tommy's all, "Yeah, I thought Jason would come BUT THAT BITCH DIDN'T SHOW."
-- Jason has an enormous smile on his face the entire episode. He is so pleased to be acting again.
-- The main villains -- from the Machine Empire -- are trying to resurrect King Mondo. Huh.
-- Tommy explains the dire situation thusly: "The Machine Empire has merged with deep space." OH SHIT SON
-- The bad guys walk as if they have ass cramps, and they point and gesture wildly. A lot. It looks like fun, actually.
-- The Red Rangers fight a bunch of bad guys as humans. Tommy's jacket hits, and kills, more people than Tommy himself does. I'm not sure what this means.
-- Some loser with a laser gun shows up and shoots people. I wish death upon him.
-- The Red Rangers all transform together. Undoubtedly the most glorious scene in Power Rangers history. One loser whips out a watch, presses "3 3 5" and then transforms. Cue me in hysterics. You HAVE to see this, at least.
-- Jason bitchslaps a n00b ranger and shows him how the real Gs roll.
-- One of the Red Rangers can rev his motorcycle and squeal his tires while flying around in space. The Power Rangers shit upon the laws of physics.
-- Newbie!Ranger is hot for Tommy and Jason.
-- Last line of the episode: "Did I ever tell you guys how I got baked in a pizza?" I think that sums this up perfectly.

If you have 20 minutes to spare, then you must watch this. You won't see anything funnier for a long time.

There's A Connection

First, I must preface this by saying unlocking "Won't Get Fooled Again" and "Highway Star" in Rock Band was the best thing to happen to me this week.

Until today.

So, my brother and I were rockin' along during "Won't Get Fooled Again," right? I was jammin' on guitar, and he was beating the holy hell out of the drums. Then we got to the solo and we were both going crazy. I was hitting notes left and right, and he was pounding the drums as if they fucked his non-existent wife.

Not two seconds after we finished the solo, a 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit California, which was felt as far south as the Mexican border and as far east as Las Vegas. I swear I am not making this up.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

The best part is we kept going for a couple of seconds before deciding we should probably stop and get to a doorway. XD

(We're all OK, by the way. It just shook things up again; no major damage. In fact, nothing fell over in my room, amazingly enough.)

Beardwatch: Week VI

So, The Dark Knight prevented me from updating last week -- for one day, at least. Every other day I was just feeling lazy and didn't feel like updating. Fear not, however, for the Beardwatch is back in full force!

Right now, it is kind of fuzzy looking. I'm pretty sure as it grows it will continue to be a nuisance, but I swear I will tame the beast. Man vs. beard? Man always wins. Believe it.

A view from the front
A view from the left
A view from the right

And as a special bonus to you all, I bring you: iGod. Now you can have a chat with your favorite deity. Hours of fun guaranteed for all!

Of course, I couldn't go without having a short chat with the big man.

What's crackin', Big G?
That's not something I get asked all the time.
I'm special!
What makes you so special?
I am growing a beard.
Do you mind if I tell other people you are growing a beard.
Go ahead! Spread the word!
OK I will. Who do you want me to tell it to?
All of your loyal followers.
I will tell my botmaster you said I am loyal followers.
... OK.
Come on.
No big deal.
What are you talking about?
The topic is growing a beard.
How is your beard?
Everything is running smoothly.
That's good to hear.
" Everything is running smoothly."? Is good to hear?
I love you, too.
Thanks I like you a lot too .
I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Were you planning to put a name at the end of that sentence?
No, I was not.
Oh. Then why the comma?
Far out. Here is a joke: A horse walks in to a bar and the bartender says, "Why the long face?".
You suck.
A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
I don't believe in you anymore.
What do you believe in?
My program runs on any computer that runs Java.
I'm leaving now.
Oh. Bye bye.

EDIT: I'm just barely realizing that my Rock Band microphone can connect to the computer. If that OB podcast ever comes to fruition, then I am so there. :P

Still Rockin'

God, Rock Band rules. My brother is REALLY getting into the drums, haha. It's awesome. If only you all could have seen him during "Tom Sawyer" and "Enter Sandman." He gets super frustrated when he misses some beats, though, which is really funny. Almost like me when Des beats the crap out of me in Brawl.

As for me, I was rockin' it during "Detroit Rock City." Holy shit, what a fun song that is. I also almost died during "Next to You," because I got cocky and was all, "I'M GONNA TEAR THIS MOTHERFUCKER UP ON HARD MODE." lol @ me

In other news, I'm tired of looking at the Library of Loons and The Third Revelation and remembering they don't have much content, so I'm going to try a posting schedule. I've read enough books and seen enough movies to keep this going for a good while.

So, The Third Revelation will be updated Sundays (starting this Sunday), and the Library of Loons will be updated Thursdays (starting this Thursday, obviously lol). As always, guest posters are encouraged.