Hello everyone and welcome to my World of Nothingness, ha ha ha ha.
Name: Nicole
Age: 18
Birthday: August 29th...meaning I`m like a Virgo
Location: Australia
Fav. Food: Meat
Fav. Anime: Naruto
Fav. Game: MGS(Metal Gear Solid)
I looove Solid Snake to death! ha ha ha ha ha. So, please enjoy my site...even though it may bore the hell out of ye! ha ha ha ha ha.
I love pugs! I want one so bad but we cant afford to take care of one or even buy one right now! But gooood how I loooove them!! ha ha ha. i think i ...
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Hello everyone! Wow, it seems like ages since i last spoke to all of you...even though in reality...it was only two days. I think, ha ha ha. Sorry bu...
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I´m off to work so wish me luck! ha ha ha. I hope I don´t get too nervous...working with other people and all, ha ha ha.
Also, i have been trying to change...by being nicer, so if any of you read me being mean just give me a heads up and force me to apologize...IF i don´t do that on my own. It´s a serious problem I have! So don´t make fun of me...

Just updating to let you all know that I got the job! Yay! I start working on Saturday...in the fitting room and as a cashier. I hope I do well on my first day ha a ha. I was shocked that they hire me right on the spot...thankyou all for wishing me luck! it really worked! ha ha ha.
Also, my first day is on November 1st...meaning no halloween party with my backstabbing friend. I hope she thinks I´m not going because of something she did...loser.
Oh and to answer your question Sakura Kokoro(?) I am not dressing up as anything for halloween. I´m not doing anything at all.
So, my life so far has had slightly some more excitement. I called the job I´m trying to apply for...and they said my interview was tomorrow! Meaning I have to take the bus downtown go for a quick interview and wait around for a couple hours...
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