Tori the Torchic

Name: Tori

Age: 13.

Gender: Female.

Pokemon: Torchic.

Hair Colour, Length and Style: Short, choppy medium orange hair, with lighter roots.

Eye Colour: Blue

Appearance: She’s small and very weak looking, though she can put up a good fight if you provoke her enough. Her skin is a nice blend between pale and tanned.

Personality: She’s very jumpy, the slightest movement or thing jumping out at her scaring her. Though she’s very kind, and loves to help people.

Likes: Fire, sunlight, warm places

Dislikes: Water, bullies

Fears: Drowning, being alone

Attacks: Ember, tackle and scratch

Clothes: Wears a medium orange dress the same colour as her hair. She also usually wears a light orange/yellow bow in her hair, a shawl, and long socks with the same colouring. And short, medium orange boots.

Background: Grew up in a small town that didn’t really have many gijinka in it, or even children for that matter. Her only friend was a piplup gijinka three years older than herself. They began traveling together, but after a horrible accident they were separated, and she’s been searching for him ever since.

Anything else: Not at the moment
