ZelostheGreat's character <3
Name: Carrin
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Castform
Hair Colour, Length and Style: A short gray bob with a strand of hair that sticks out from the top.
Eye Colour: Green
Appearance: Tall and lean. Small feet and sightly longer arms.
Personality: Quiet, smart, and educated, she is better at solving problems than her social skills. She talks, but not much. Likes to keep everything in line, but is not a leader.
Likes: Math, rocks, locks, Science
Dislikes: Bad weather, hats, loud sounds
Fear: Being impaled, oxymorons
Attacks: Ember, WaterGun, Snow Powder, Weather Ball
Clothes: A gray long sleeve shirt and shorts. Wears glassed. Long, darker gray boots. Wears a tear shaped necklace (Mystic Water).
Background: Worked in a weather factory, but decided to study in feild and abroad.
Anything else: Constatly talks about Math, Science, etc. and corrects people's grammar mistakes.