A random thing

I was *HINT HINT*-ed by a CERTAIN PERSON *coughimoutochancough* to post some doodle stuff.
Yaaaahhhh maahhhn.
But only one because I'm too lazy to scan anything else. xD

External Image

Rick and Dare.
Of course. xD;
This started with me wanting to draw Rick in that old outfit I always made him wear back in the old days. :d Which I pretty much never draw him in now... idk why, I guess I've just tried to steer clear of the outfit since I used to ALWAYS draw him in it.
I also put ~*~*EXTENSIVE DETAIL*~*~ into Dare's apple shirt this time around. xD
Although, I wonder where I've seen that pose before...
Oh yeah, it was in the picture from the previous post.
....I couldn't think of a pose, okay? xD

Oh, yes. That strange little doodle on the right...
was on behalf of this song.

Okay. End of rant. For real now. xD
