Planning for stories and stuff.
Word, dawg.
note: this intro hasn't been thoroughly updated in a couple years
This is a world I made mostly for my own use, but I made it a public world anyways. I'll be posting things about story outlines, my characters, my comics (including fan comics), WIPs, ect... It's pretty much a world where I can store information and/or plan things. xD
Below are short descriptions of my stories to help you know what's going on. xD It also shows which characters are in which story, along with their extended profile if I have one made. Some stories aren't mentioned because I don't work on/think about them often. Therefore, not all of my characters are mentioned.
The link leads to the fan comic in my portfolio. If there isn't a link, there isn't a comic yet.
*Rock Band: Something Impossible: The story of a Rock Band and their adventures in music business.
Major Characters: Michka, Zack, Loyal, Dare, Rick
Important/Frequently Mentioned Supporting Characters: Damian, Tim, Dare's Aunt aka Auntie
*Of Fruits and Vegetables: 4-panel comics of the life of a 21-year-old model and his friends/workmates.
Major Characters: Tomato, Stefan, Tomato's Boyfriend aka "TB", Gabe, Janet aka Jo, Kasey, Dean
Important Supporting Characters: Danny, Leah, Mick
*Dreams: The story of a rich and pampered English boy who gets transported to the mysterious town of Dreams, and his adventures there.
Major Characters: Alcott, Luli, Ms. Marigold
Important Supporting Characters: Shinitsu, Annabelle, and others that are to be decided.
**Annabelle's and Ms. Marigold's profiles are in the same post.**
Story Dialogues: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
*My Dear Princess: The story of an orphan child, a princess, and friends who's home country's peace is threataned by the evil prince of a country that was thought to be nonexistant. (CONFUSING. xD)
Major Characters: Isaac, Charlotte, Rinchu, Segran, Lucia, Nicholay, Faida, Hrafn, Falorin, Gaelnis
Important Supporting Characters: To be decided.
*Foreigner: An alien boy sent to Earth to destroy the human race finds himself in Los Angeles California, befriends a human girl, and gets involved in crazy advetures.
Major Characters: Kor, Gliding Eagle
Important Supporting Characters: Michelle, Dailen
*A Life Like This: A written story in the perspectives of Dare, Tim, and Rick.
Major Characters: Tim, Dare, Rick, Ms. Ackart
Important Supporting Characters: See characters for Rock Band: Something Impossible.
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
*Teach Me Something Good: A story about a friendship between a student and a teacher. Somewhat of a spin-off of Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Noland, Chrystal
Important Supporting Characters: Prudence), Stefan (briefly)
*I Was a Boy, Too: A short 3-part story about Gabe when he was in high school. Optional backstory related to Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Gabe, William
Important Supporting Characters: DJ, Dave
Parts: One
*Nerdy and Jock: So there's this nerd, and this jock, and also they're boyfriends. That's it.
Major Characters: Jack, Ned
Important supporting characters: Matthew Brodney III, Dmitri, Charlotte, Jessica Marron, Lafayette, Brodney's girlfriend who doesn't have a name yet;;;
*The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Super Smash Brothers fan comic. Title is pretty self-explanitory.
Major Characters: Marth, Roy, Ike, Pit
I don't have a name for his story, but Jamal is a Kingdom Hearts fan character. I figured I'd mention him because I draw him often enough.
Also, if you want to find posts that feature a specific character, type in the URL[character name]. For example, will bring you to posts about Dare. :)
Enjoy Your Stay at Various Planning!
Repost of some rambling I did in my other, life blog-y world. Just posting it here too in case I ever want to come back to it. ;o
Mood: Anxious
Blughglhggh my mood has been absolutely terrible ever since my short story draft got cri...
Read the full post »
Happy Monday, everyone! :M Woo yeah. Here's some stuff from the past week-ish.

Some outfits I drew last night during my stream. :V I wanted to practice girly outfits, but then I drew Noland and wanted to draw more guys. So I drew Tomato.
I want to draw Tomato more often. ;0;
I like drawing Kasey in tacky make-up. :V I'd be lying if I said Nicki Minaj wasn't an influence on Kasey's fashion taste. xD Kasey's kind of like a combination of Gyaru and Nicki Minaj here, or something. :V
The Noland outfit is something I sketched in a notebook one time, but didn't have colors for it. I DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT I THINK POLKA DOTS REALLY SUIT NOLAND...

Some random Danny. Still not really sure if I want to make his hair brown or ashen. It looks too much like Stefan's hair color here... not that that's really a problem, but IT FEELS LIKE IT'S A PROBLEM.
I love drawing Danny's buck teeth. :B

IT'S ALMOST SUMMER, SO I DREW SOME SUMMER CLOTHES! I think I don't like Stefan's head in this picture. Gabe's head was also annoying to draw. WAH. I do kind of like this, though, even though their heads are weird. Maybe I'll finish this, and draw a ~*~BACKGROUND~*~, too. 8D

Muic = music, because I can't spell.
Noland and his coworker/superior Prudence/Prue having a conversation. :V I haven't decided if that's her final design yet, or exactly how I want her personality to be. SHE'S JUST A MYSTERY!
And yeah, Noland and music. Yep. He's like that guy you knew in high school who could tell you everything about every Led Zeppelin song. Or maybe you didn't know that guy. I didn't know that guy.
Noland mostly listens to 60's rock and classic punk. LITTLE DID YOU KNOW. Interestingly, that's not the kind of music I listen to when I draw him. Usually I listen to music that I think the character might listen to when I draw them, but not for Noland! I usually listen to more emotionally-dramatic music when I draw him, because he's an emotional boyo at heart.

I was going to delete that shirtless Dare, but I forgot.
Here's some doodles of the A Life Like This trio! :V i'm trying to figure out how I should draw Rick and Tim's faces. I think Tim should stay the closes to what I originally draw him as, but idk about Rick. WHOOOO KNOOOOWS.
That's all I've got for now! :M Have a nice day, and all that. :D
Yeah. I have a lot of old sketches and doodles on SAI. I can't show you all of them since I can only post like 10 pictures in one post, but here's a couple of them. Hooray! 8D

I posted this on my DA, so this might look familiar. This is Stefan's boss! She's the head of the New York branch of the modelling agency that Stefan and Tomato belong to. :D She probably won't appear in the comic, but she appears from time to time in Tomato's backstory. So if I ever draw that, you'll know who she is.
She doesn't have a name yet. :m Any suggestions?

I totally thought I posted this on theOtaku, but... idk, I can't find it. xD; This is a mock sticker sheet of the main characters from OFAV! :D I actually did make stickers out of these using my sticker machine, and stuck them on my physics binder. (why? xD;) I like how Stefan and Dean's came out, but my least favorite is Kasey... Kasey's always my least favorite. Her hairstyle just looks so weird to me... I want to restyle it, but it's already too late, I think. xD;

I also thought I posted this on theO, but... ONCE AGAIN, I GUESS NOT! If you were looking closely, you could see it in his "character development meme" I posted several months ago. This is actually really old, from November of last year. This was probably when I realized that I really enjoy drawing Gabe. :D;

This is REEEAAALLY old, from last year or something. Just some random stuff on alcohol and drinks, I guess.
I think Gabe looks hilarious here, for some reason.

I drew this last month, I think. I was drawing pictures to the song I was listening to. Drawing something in less than 5 minutes is really hard! ;u; And no girls, because I'm a buttox.
I don't remember what song I was drawing to in the last picture, but I think it was Motorcycle Drive By.

Idk when I drew this, but it's pretty old. I had a sudden urge to draw HMNNNHIIIO and Dare, since HMNNNHIIIO is technically Dare's Pokemon. Idk, I thought it was kind of cute despite its sloppiness. xD;

Stefan and Gabe doodles in comic form. I actually doodle stuff like this all the time in my doodle notebooks........
along with, y'know, actual stuff like OFAV comic strip plans and stuff. *cough cough*

Timmeroo! Tim. I had a sudden urge to draw Tim some weeks ago. I keep drawing that head angle, but idk if I'm even drawing that head perspective right. :M;;; OH WELL, WORKS FOR ME I GUESS...

And more Tim! I've missed Tim. I think I drew this the same day or the previous day as the previous one. My handwriting's even worse with a tablet, so if you can't read it, sorry. xD;
By "Gabe idiots", I mean people who are "idiotic" in a similar way that Gabe is. DOES THAT MAKE ANY MORE SENSE? NO! 8D

Luli doodle from yesterday. Woo! I haven't drawn her in forever. I made a Luli outfit in Animal Crossing, though! 8D It looks weird! But oh well.

This is a grapefruit gijinka I did for someone on Gaiaonline. I do a lot of freebies on Gaiaonline, but I don't bother posting them because they're pretty lazy. xD; This one came out cute enough, though. I like a grapefruit color scheme. :V
And yeah! I should probably work on other more important stuff, now...
Since I put comic sketches in the title first, I guess I'll post the comic sketches first. :m I'm working on a comic-thing for Christmas (since I never upload Christmas-themed pictures) of Dare, Rick, and Tim. These are just the 1st two pages. Yeahhhh. It takes place in 11th grade, so it's pre-Something Impossible.
Akioh, I have no idea what you're talking about because I forgot everything in relation to A Life Like This and your Rock Band comic because you haven't updated either in several months
Me too, mysterious reader. Me too.
Maybe I should update those some time.............

Aw, yeah. Master of dialogue here. ... COMICS WITH FLOWING DIALOGUE ARE TOO HARD. ;w; Maybe that's why I like 4-panel strips so much.
Whoa, Akioh, who the heck is that guy with the hat-- OH, IT'S RICK! I really wanted to draw Rick in a new hat... xD
And yep. Sorry for the handwriting, as usual.
Oh, and here's the song Dare was singing in the beginning. Not relevant at all. xD
Anyways, on with the other non-comic stuff! :m While we're on the topic of Tim, here's a picture of him and his mom.

Yes, Cassidy looks freakish. :M Who cares about bodies making sense! Answer: everyone.
The weird thing about these drawings is that I drew the picture of Tim and the picture of Cassidy on two separate papers at two different times. So it was kind of weird that they kind of matched when I put them together like this... Even the quotes seem kind of consecutive. xD;
But yeah. Akioh draws weird stuff sometimes.

I hardly draw Loyal, but I felt like drawing her the other day. :o No, that's not a beard... it's some weird shading... ;u; I remember reading a chapter of Yu Yu Hakusho once where a guy's chin was shaded like that, and I thought it was a beard. xD; I was wondering why it vanished in the next panel...
What I like about Loyal is that I don't feel compelled to draw her in a girly pose like certain individuals. :V

The rest of the stuff is OFAV related. I was talking to Takara the other day about how Gabe's pretty different from how he used to be. I think his appearance changes are on behalf of my drawing style changing. I can't seem to decide if I want him to have light brown or dark brown hair, though... I want it to be light brown, but it always comes out dark in marker. ;A;

This is the first thing I've colored in marker since... Hm. Apparently, I still think it's summertime.
Gabe's hair color is incorrect. BAH.

I think this is the first time I've uploaded a picture that actually shows Stefan crushing on Tomato. xD
Stefan, I think you have to be crushing on someone 12 and under to be considered a pedophile. I think you're in the clear. Although, when Tomato was 17 and Stefan was 26, those could be plausible ages for a teacher crushing on a student. Which is what the song Don't Stand So Close To Me is about. YEAH, CONNECTIONS!

Last one! :m Quote on the side is from Wounded by Third Eye Blind. Inconspicuous quote on the bottom is irrelevant.
I like drawing Stefan, yo. :U
It's weird that it's almost 2013! ;A; I feel like I haven't done much on my "things to improve on" list. I guess you could say I've been working on action poses...
Well anyways, that's all for now. 8D YEAH...
Okay, titles... yeahhh... I never know. |D
Anyways, I can't believe I never showed this to you guys!

I had my theO username on there, so I must've intended to put it up in this world... o_o
Here's where his old profile is located: [click]
And here's a (not very) brief summary of how Tim's stayed the same or changed since I first made him:
*Pretty much his appearance. I just couldn't draw him that well before... xD I've been drawing his standard blue tartan shirt since WAAAAY BACK. xD (And by way back, I mean 2 years ago. -u-)
*He's still cowardly, but not in the same sense that I had originally intended. I first wanted him to be like "wimpy-cowardly" like... idk, maybe as in he couldn't handle blood-and-gore/fights/heights/etc. In that sense, he's completely different because Current Tim is a bit of a thrill seeker and loves roller coasters. :D SOMETHING YOU MAY'VE NEVER KNOWN...
But anyways, he's still cowardly in the way that he doesn't assert his own opinions, and doesn't stand up for others even if he thinks he should. I guess that's more passive, than cowardly...
*Tim is still easily persuaded by others! Yes indeedy. But it's different because I originally meant for it to be he believed in what other people told him, but now it's more like he gets talked into "believing" something even if he's not to consensus with himself on the subject. (I'm not sure if I just used the word consensus correctly or not...)
*"Very Dense" and "A Moron"... HEHE... no. xD; I think Tim is one of the least dense of my characters. He's pretty sharp, and easily picks up quirks and thought processes of others. (Which is kind of hard for me to portray... xD) Also, while both Dare and Tim are pretty smart about analyzing people, I think Tim has the upper hand on Dare because Tim can usually tell when someone has a crush on him or is crushing on someone, while Dare tends to be pretty oblivious to romance. (NO ONE CARES, AKIOH... Well, I guess you have to care a little bit to be reading this. xD)
*Backstory, whoa! I think Tim is one of the few characters whose "backstory" is actually his main story. xD; Like with Rick, meeting Dare in 4th grade isn't his whole story, and his "crisis" in 9th grade isn't his whole story either. (Idk, Rick's storyline is probably going to be the most romance-oriented out of the three of them.)
But yeah. Tim's story revolves around conflicts with his mom regarding his birth, and being "popular" with Jake and Clair (Clair for a lesser amount of time because he does eventually break up with her). I'm thinking I should put most of the romantic-y things/scenes/whatever with Tim and Rick into Rick's storyline/perspective in A Life Like This. Of course, it'll be present in Tim's storyline as well; but probably more prominently in Rick's. Well, when he finds out Tim is bi, at least. Before that, I guess it's up to Tim.
/talking too long
*LAID-BACK-NESS... Uh. Well when I first made Tim, he was really kind of hyperactive like Dare. (I-I THINK THIS HAPPENS A LOT... because Rick was like this, too. xDD) Eventually, he became a pretty chill dude. :V I mean, he does get riled up often. But he tends to be very casual about things. I think I've mention before that he has a kind of dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
*I also mention in the meme that he's pretty angsty and cynical. I don't normally like angsty characters that much, but MEH... It's Tim! I think Tim has reason enough. The "angstyness" is mostly seen in moments regarding his mom or social status or if he thinks about his dad that he's never met. BY THE WAY, I'm kind of always secretly freaking about about Tim's social status because I come from a fairly affluent family... so it's really hard for me to empathize because I don't know of anyone who lives in a similar situation to Tim, nor have I witnessed such situations. I'm always scared of exaggerating things. ;3; Which I probably do.
Anyways, what was I taking about... Oh yeah, his cynicalness. The cynicalness is usually only in his thoughts, and it's usually directed toward his classmates where he mentally criticizes them for their superficiality/naivety. In that sense, Tim is a little arrogant because he thinks of himself as smarter than a lot of his classmates. But he also thinks it's really pathetic of him to degrade his classmates to make him feel better about himself.
YEAH, LOTS OF RANDOM TIM STUFF! All of this should probably be in his character profile, but it's not. xDD Oh well.
Thanks for reading this giant text of texty stuff! :M Hopefully it was interesting enough. xDD Tim is one of my favorites, but I just don't draw him often because I can't think of any good pictures for him... >u> Haha. Actually, I am working on one of him and Clair. (?!?!)
I'll finish that soon. It's looking pretty alright so far. ;o But there's no background. xD; AS USUAL...
THIS POST IS FINITE! As in, it ends. Right now.