Welcome. Welcome to the Earthbound Gates. You've come from your home realm, I see. Planning on participating in the war. You're just like all the others. They all came from heaven and hell, wanting to participate in this war. None of them have come back yet. Still fighting. Not as scary as it sounds. Earth's a pretty big place, hard to find the enemy, and even allies, when a whole realm is the battle field. Now, got your confidence back up? Good, because now that your here, there's no going back. Not until your task is done. You enlisted, now you gotta go.

Few rules, now, before you go. First, you have to have a mortal heart. Yeah, that's the biggest catch. Love. Pain. Joy. Sin. Happiness. Guilt. The whole shebang. No, that's not all. You also have to look human. You know, blend. No wings. Gotta keep your powers secret. No matter what. Fighting has to be done under cover. That's if you can find the enemy, who's also blending. I, as the gate keeper, get to watch from up here. Yeah, I seen 'em. Walk right by each other and don't even know it. Demons and Angels being pleasant, or not so pleasant, but not really fighting either. Happens a bunch. Really isn't any way to tell but by spying it out, or by accident. Some of those sensitive ones can tell with a touch. Not many of those, though.

Back to the rules. Yeah, gotta keep up appearances. Don't worry too much, your patron provides you a place to stay. Ways to keep up appearances like jobs and school or whatever. Oh, one last thing. Try not to fall in love with the mortals. Bad things happen. Things out of your control. It won't end well for anyone. I know things happen with mortal hearts... But just try your best, okay?

Well, that covers it. Enjoy the fall.



Plot Info
Angel Info
Demon Info
Human Info
Character Skeleton
Members and CharactersStory Thus Far

Character Skeleton

To join, fill this out: Name: Age: (appeared for supernaturals. Actual isn't required) Gender: Race: Hair color/style: Eyes: (include original for supernaturals) Markings/tatoos: Appearance(s...

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Every good role play has some laws to lay down. Just follow these basic rules, and you won't have to worry about me revoking your membership! :D 1. Characters MUST fall into one of the three categories. No ghosts, vampires, werewolves, etc....

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Human Info

This is the third and final category for characters. Humans are just your average people, no real patron, unless you want to count the Keeper of the Earthen Gates, but the soul guarding it changes constantly. Humans should have NO CLUE ABOU...

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Demon Info

Demons are the more evil of the supernaturals. Their denizen is the Devil, and they come from the hellfire realm. Demons come in many shapes and sizes. Their ages are similar to angels, 10-25 years old are most common. Many have animal part...

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Angel Info

Angels are one of the two supernaturals, representing the heavenly realm. If it wasn't already obvious, God is their patron. Angel appearances range in all ages, however most are between 10 and 25 in looks. That appeared age becomes their ...

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