What the heck. This is so cute!!! xDDD
I wish my username was TwoFacedLullaby so I could show this off to people. But sadly, it's not. x'D
Excellent job! C:
AWWZ!! That's sooo cute!! I know she'll love it. My computer is being a big meany and isn't letting me submit ANYTHING!! So, I couldn't give her anything on her birthday but virtual hugs and cake and a gift. :P
xPocket monsteRx
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
What the heck. This is so cute!!! xDDD
I wish my username was TwoFacedLullaby so I could show this off to people. But sadly, it's not. x'D
Excellent job! C:
Bubblegum'd! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
AWWZ!! That's sooo cute!! I know she'll love it. My computer is being a big meany and isn't letting me submit ANYTHING!! So, I couldn't give her anything on her birthday but virtual hugs and cake and a gift. :P