Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/07/08 | Reply
Hahaha. XD I need to send this to my cousins. XD They're easily an hour late. Actually, an hour late is on time with their standards. O.o I'm usually early though. But that's coz with public transport, I'm either early or late. So I choose to be early. ^^'
I love all the blue and the background suits the theme really well. X3 The last line is very effective too. First it's like please... Then grrr! Hehe. X3
OMG!!! I need to send this everybody I know!! I hate being late or when others are late. RAWR!!! Move your butts faster people!! >.< lol Great job on the card. It made me laugh. XD
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/07/08 | Reply
Hahaha. XD I need to send this to my cousins. XD They're easily an hour late. Actually, an hour late is on time with their standards. O.o I'm usually early though. But that's coz with public transport, I'm either early or late. So I choose to be early. ^^'
I love all the blue and the background suits the theme really well. X3 The last line is very effective too. First it's like please... Then grrr! Hehe. X3
Love Bug =X3
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/06/08 | Reply
OMG!!! I need to send this everybody I know!! I hate being late or when others are late. RAWR!!! Move your butts faster people!! >.< lol Great job on the card. It made me laugh. XD
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/06/08 | Reply
OUCH! I hope that was not triggered at me and being so late with TheO Story... I Hope...
Good job keep up the good work I really like...
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/06/08 | Reply
I like this one, I can see myself being the one he tells not to be late, even though lately I've gotten better about that.