=] Aww this is awesome Anya! Such a sweet card for Sesshy^^ I can tell she really loves this! =] Happy early birthday to her^^ Anyways, I love your cards Anya so its great to see another one from you! Keep up the great work! =]
drift! i havent heard from you in quite a while. T.T
well anyway. this is a lovely card. im sure shell like it. :D its really cute and friendly. hes your daddy. o.O whoa. thats deep! =D well now i know. =P
Queen of theO � (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
@shin and jae: It's not today you two.. LOL It's on Halloween. =P
Ha, driffta, so cool XD It looks nice ^___^ and the Takuya-filled beauties.. LOL sounds kind of weird and yet funny for cute guys XD You should have put 'pretties' LOL *shot* Nah that's wrong too 8D *shot again*
lols, her favorite idol~ I don't know if he is her favorite man.. O.o *scratches head*
I am not a follower, I am a friend. I do not ask for subscribers, only friends.
aweeeesome card drifft! xD you're wonderful at graphic stuff! i still have mine! >D it's in my box of things i love^-^ ( O_o no really i have a box like that.. it's awesome. but if it was destroyed ;_; i'd die.. literally)
Kurai the night
Bloody Shadow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/23/08 | Reply
UVERworld ROCKS!!!!
Stalker Stabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
Next time submit it ON her birthday. You've fooled half the population with this.
Other than that...good job my girl.
Last edited by Shishou at 10:44:58 PM EDT on October 22, 2008.
"Have you fallen in love?" "No, but I've stepped on it."
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
=] Aww this is awesome Anya! Such a sweet card for Sesshy^^ I can tell she really loves this! =] Happy early birthday to her^^ Anyways, I love your cards Anya so its great to see another one from you! Keep up the great work! =]
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
I are fooled by Driffter.
Love thy Evangelion.
Compulsive Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
drift! i havent heard from you in quite a while. T.T
well anyway. this is a lovely card. im sure shell like it. :D its really cute and friendly. hes your daddy. o.O whoa. thats deep! =D well now i know. =P
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
This is so cute!! I know Sesshy will love it! Takuy-like beauties indeed... >.< GREAT job!!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
Aww! Smexy! I love it. It'll be perfect for her!! Yeah, her b-day's on halloween so you were early! This is awesome. :3
Michiyo Shimizu
Queen of theO � (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
@shin and jae: It's not today you two.. LOL It's on Halloween. =P
Ha, driffta, so cool XD It looks nice ^___^ and the Takuya-filled beauties.. LOL sounds kind of weird and yet funny for cute guys XD You should have put 'pretties' LOL *shot* Nah that's wrong too 8D *shot again*
lols, her favorite idol~ I don't know if he is her favorite man.. O.o *scratches head*
I am not a follower, I am a friend. I do not ask for subscribers, only friends.
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
lol, had no idea Sesshy's birthday is today. Happy Birthday, then! :)
Love thy Evangelion.
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
aweeeesome card drifft! xD you're wonderful at graphic stuff! i still have mine! >D it's in my box of things i love^-^ ( O_o no really i have a box like that.. it's awesome. but if it was destroyed ;_; i'd die.. literally)