T__T Anna...thank you so much...this really touches my heart...wow, such a beautiful and the words are so true and meaningful. That day was a terrible day for me and I was just being a big baby about it. ^_^ You really helped me out Anna, you're a wonderful, beautiful friend. *hugs* I am doing so much better now^^ Thank you again for this beautiful card! Yes, always keep holding on to your dreams^^ *hugs*
Such a beautiful card! The words are so nice. That's sweet of you to do this for your friend. The image is really nice aswell, it works well with the words.
That was very sweet of you to make this card for innocent heart. She is always making things for other people and I hardly ever see the favor repayed! You're so thoughtful
xDD no problem. ^^
It's actually not that bad of a song, for country.
hm... would it really be considered country? o.o (pondering)
bah... I'll find it on youtube, and you can decide. xD
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/17/08 | Reply
@innocent heart:
I'm so happy that you liked it ^^ I'm glad to hear you are doing better now. You weren't being a baby, we all have days like that!
*gives you massive hug*
I'm having internet trouble again, but i'll catch up when I can!
^^ taketh care of thyself!
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
T__T Anna...thank you so much...this really touches my heart...wow, such a beautiful and the words are so true and meaningful. That day was a terrible day for me and I was just being a big baby about it. ^_^ You really helped me out Anna, you're a wonderful, beautiful friend. *hugs* I am doing so much better now^^ Thank you again for this beautiful card! Yes, always keep holding on to your dreams^^ *hugs*
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/10/08 | Reply
Such a beautiful card! The words are so nice. That's sweet of you to do this for your friend. The image is really nice aswell, it works well with the words.
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/08 | Reply
That was very sweet of you to make this card for innocent heart. She is always making things for other people and I hardly ever see the favor repayed! You're so thoughtful
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
This is a really sweet ecard ^____^ Very pretty too, g'job :]
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
xDD no problem. ^^
It's actually not that bad of a song, for country.
hm... would it really be considered country? o.o (pondering)
bah... I'll find it on youtube, and you can decide. xD
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Ahahaha! You just made me giggle so bad XD I just imagined someone singing that in a really awful voice XD haha. But thanks for the comment ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
Oh! What a beautiful card!! *hugs* I'm sure that Meagan will love it! ^_____^ It's simply lovely and just absolutely perfect for her!
Take care!
Have a great day!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/08 | Reply
What a nice saying.. ^-^
It remindds me of a country song...
"Hold on tiiight to your dreeeams~" xDD