D: No way... *pats head*
Must've been hard... I did like the sparkle effect, gotta admit that XD It's the gayest thing I've ever seen... (and I'm a yaoi fangirl o___O)
Haha, I watched it as a trade for something else. At least you were able to find something more captivating though, I wasn't able to escape the horror.
I despise Twilight, I watched the movie because 2 of my best friends went gaga over it. It was soooo awesome, I didn't even bother to pause it when I made some dinner...
A Diligent Sinner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I really like you now... KanameGirl made me read most of the series, gave me a copy of the last book, and I STILL haven't read it!
It's more of a relic to the other half of my soul, which is in her body, than anything else. It just takes up space, but I can't throw it out!
Ah... well then you wouldn't know about her strength in Breaking Dawn... She has to protect everyone in that one. The tables have turned! One might say....
hey i'd have to agree he is a stalker i mean seriously he shouldnt do that he is a stalker but i only like me because well he's a vampire thts it end of question........
I meant both =P
I don't think there's much to Bella's character and she always needed to be saved ~__~ So I perceived her as weak, I would have rathered a stronger female character, one that didn't need a knight in shining armor. You said she become stronger as the series progresses, but I only read up to the second book.
As for the writing style, I think Meyer is an excellent writer.
Then she needed to be more specific....There is more than one way to use the word weak in the dictionary.
*random thought* I was just thinking...everyone complains about her writing style...... I don't understand that. I think she does a great job for first person. As a writer I know how hard it is to write in first person. You have to be careful not too ramble to much, and make you character sound too concieted. Also, when being in first peson you have a limited view on the whole story. As that one character you don't know everything and as the reader you only get that person's thoughts... It's really hard to write in first person and in MY opinion Stephanie Meyer does a wonderful job.
Wow....that was slightly off topic. ^.^
i looovvee twilight lol and i LOVE EDWARD <333
but to be honest i dont like bella.
in ways i agree w/ this card, in ways i dont.
thats how it happened in the movie, not the book i believe. the meadow scene was romantic in the book, not the movie.
I'm so happy that some people, other then me, hate Twilight =^_^= There are just WAAAY to many crazed-fangirls at my school right now and this totally made my day!
That's cool and I must confess, I did like it at one time, it's really the annoying girls at my school's fault that I put the book down.
And oh my, Harry Potter FTW <3 I never read the books but I love the movies :D
wow dam i love the books of twilight but the movie is scaring me... SERIOUSLY XD
okay any who about that card it's like true XD
well in the movie edward is not a sexy vampire, but when i read it *coughs* i can let my mind go over board :D
isn't that nice XD
very nice.. i like the book very nice but movie... different story
well u get points and u don't get points lol XD
The end~
Last edited by hackerblackrose at 7:19:47 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Thank you! I hate Twilight too! XD In fact, I started hating vampires due to the nonsense created from that series, but then I read Dracula and started watches Hellsing Ultimate, and now I like vampires again! ^.^ But I still hate Twilight.
When she says that Bella is a weak character, she doesn't mean physically weak, like you think.
Bella is kinda like a cut out character. There's not much detail and support to her. She's somewhat lacking in personality. THAT'S what she meant by "a weak female character." Basically, she's what writers would call a "Marie-Sue" character.
I have to agree with you.... I loved the seires before it was a huge thing...Now I just get annoyed at people who LOVE it....
I actually loved Breaking Dawn the best... *shrugs*
Now, to the card.... I agree with everything about Bella....She's annoying....except her being a weak character...The whole point is that she starts off weak and by the last book she is no longer weak. That's the whole point... Through out the whole series she is weak and needs Edward and Jacob to protect her, but in the last book she gets strong when she has to protect everything she loves, including Edward and Jacob.
With Edward I agree with most of it except the lacking personality... He's just guarded.... If you want to see Edward's personality in full blast go onto Stephanie Meyer's website and read the first couple of chapters of Midnight Sun.
I'm not angry at you...you are entiled to your own opinion, but I'm just stating why I disagree with you. BTW I'm not a huge Twilighter...It's a great series, but I've read better....
Last edited by MewChero at 4:54:02 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Yeah, your day will go perfectly even if your friends drag you along! *whispers* Just make sure they know you're listening to your iPod so they don't confiscate it from ya! ^_~
Haha, sounds like you had a hilarious time! XD Stricking down the everage Twilight fan, more than a days work I'd say! I once called Twilight an overrated fanfiction to one of my Twilight *obsessed* friends and she smacked me with the book! T_T On my face.
How emotional was the scene, was it like, "Oh Edward, please don't leave me here..."
*Laughing erupts*
But if I ever get dragged by weird friends into a movie theater; I'll bring a pair of sunglasses to deflect the sparkles and crappy plotlines. XD
but I'm not the annoying fan that talks about it 24/7 and who beats all the Twilight haters for not liking it. I have friends like that and they ANNOY ME about their consistent Twilight Babble.
It's kinda sad--alot of people I know hate it just because it's a big "thing" and they never even read it. And I've been accused of "conforming to society." which is DUMB because I remember picking up the book before it was ever this popular. It's actually a turn off how popular this book is...but I'm still sticking with it.
I hated the last book though. With a passion. I want to beat Stephenie Meyer with a stick about it.
Very true. Edward is an overprotective vampire. If ANYBODY was that overprotective, I'd go ballistic and go all ninja-y on them. AND YES! BELLA NEEDS TO GET AN ATTITUDE CHECK. Seriously, I can't take much of her insistent whining anymore. GOOD JOB! ><
BUT Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie is coming out in a few months!!! Yay [?] I don't know if you're a harry potter lover or hater. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :D
Yahh! I was just giving the movie the disgrace look while I was watching. Sitting in between friends who complained about the movie or said how hot James was every 10 minutes. So it was like I was staring at the movie screen, then BOOM the side of two faces right in front of me. It was so hilarious but I was laughing thru an emotional scene. Ahh, good times. Oh, and people in the theater was laughing at the movie like it was a comedy. Jeeez.. well, sorry about the rant, haha~
I love you so much for just saying that last line. Me & 9.tailed were hysterically making fun of Edward and his shiny glittery chest in the movie. [I decided to give it a try, hm outcome? Yeck~] ~laughs~
A fellow Twilight hater such as myself? Joy! :) I personally have not read the book in it's entity [only a third of it], but I just couldn't get into it. I mean---a vampire that magically falls in love with a girl? Come on! That's completely ruining the reputation of vampires. They're cold blooded killers; sadistic, playful, greedy and utterly beautiful. Edward in the movie... not so beautiful. He looks alright in some frames and then in the next, ack! The only way I'd read a vampire story is if the writer makes the love intrests more... sadistic, desperate, confused, and daring...
Most of my friends are devoted Twilight fans, "Oh Edward is so hot... Edward and Bella are sooo perfect for each other..." Basically, any book that takes vampires and makes them magically fall in love with their prey is called a crappy fanfiction on fanfiction.net or even the horrid Quizilla. [Except, I'd read a vampire fanfiction at ff.net over Twilight ANYDAY.] And I'm not stating my dislike for it because other people have a distaste for it. I just can't fall head-over-heels for impossible love stories and Mary-Sue situations.
And plus---vampires aren't so sparkly...
Last edited by Solenm Serpent at 5:53:30 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Wonderful, another Twilight hater! =D I think its good that not every mind has been consumed by this bad excuse for a 'Romance novel with a twist'. Sorry to all who like Twilight, but we're alowed to have our own opinons about things, just like you are. Its not a crime to have an opinon.
I really do think that Edward is a stalker, over controling and a creeper. But I really dislike Bella Swan more than anything because of the way she acts and just how terribly mary-sue she is.
Vampire stories aren't original anymore, and I think someone should tell Stephanie Mayer that. A 'Romance novel...with a twist!' does not a vampire story make. Its over used and now a sterotype that people, like me, are getting tired of. If she wants a twist, why not try something a little more exotic or original like a love story between some sort of mythical creature that hasn't been over used like a vampire. Also probably not making the lead female character so...sterotypical. Bella seriously is one of the Queen mary-sues in mary-sue kingdom.
So, sorry for the rant, but I'm just pretty much saying why most people dislike Twilight. The characters dont really have good personalities, its written badly, and the 'plot' is sterotypical. Its just my opinon, but I have a right to state it, just like some of you have a right to state that you like it.
I love you. *laugh* Thank you so much for this card. XD I'm so glad to see more people agree!!! And you're not afraid to say it either. I always have to tread carefully with my words cause I know lots of people love it. XD So you're wonderful~~
I've never touched the books, but read some over my sister's shoulder. Is it even written that well? I'm sorry, but a vampire romance is just too much for me. Everyone keeps saying how hot the vampire is, but he just looks dead to me. I can take the evil vampires, but when people start making them good? THEY HAVE NO SOULS! They can't have any emotions but lust, gluttony, greed, and pride. It's impossible for one to love. When you take the definition of vampire out of it, it's just disturbing. Now, Dracula. HE was awesome vampire. And I mean the book, not any movie, though Van Helsing's wasn't too bad.
Not everyone will make an e-card about something they hate, but 9.tailed did.
"I'm sorry, but you have a lot of time to lose in order to make this."
Everything takes time to make:. wallpapers, e-cards, and drawing fanart. No matter if they hate it or not, otaku is a place to express how you feel about certain series and you put your imagination into work by making graphics. I'm pretty sure you take time to make your fanart and wallpapers, you shouldn't be saying that. You also lose time by commenting others too. Everything in life takes time to do.
Last edited by Furry-Chibi at 12:06:03 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Whatever. I like twilight, if fact, I love it. For once, the vampires aren't mindless disgusting blood suckers. I hate Harry Potter and you don't see me making icons or other art to shout out my hate. I'm sorry, but you have a lot of time to lose in order to make this.
oh yeah...that's the one saturday of my life im never getting back... the first two books were'nt that bad, but then it did get really whiny and annoying. i just quit halfway through book 3
I don't hate twilight but i guess i don't necessarily like it either. But this card is HILLARIOUS! XD I love it although this one girl at school saw it and shes a HUGE twilight fan. It was funny 'cause she was freaking out in the middle of class XD
Moderator | Posted 02/22/10 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
D: No way... *pats head*
Must've been hard... I did like the sparkle effect, gotta admit that XD It's the gayest thing I've ever seen... (and I'm a yaoi fangirl o___O)
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/21/10 | Reply
Haha, I watched it as a trade for something else. At least you were able to find something more captivating though, I wasn't able to escape the horror.
Moderator | Posted 02/07/10 | Reply
I despise Twilight, I watched the movie because 2 of my best friends went gaga over it. It was soooo awesome, I didn't even bother to pause it when I made some dinner...
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/06/09 | Reply
LOL i love it i absolutly hate twilight
A Diligent Sinner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I really like you now... KanameGirl made me read most of the series, gave me a copy of the last book, and I STILL haven't read it!
It's more of a relic to the other half of my soul, which is in her body, than anything else. It just takes up space, but I can't throw it out!
Otakuite | Posted 12/06/08 | Reply
ROBERT PATTINSON IS GROSS (as well as Kristen Stewart)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but... EDWARD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! bellas kind of an idiot, though
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/30/08 | Reply
Have you even read it?
Yes, if you read the description you'd know that. And there will obviously be people who don't like the book, I am one of those people.
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/25/08 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
you could have easily said that without typing "I HATE U" in your comment.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
Ah... well then you wouldn't know about her strength in Breaking Dawn... She has to protect everyone in that one. The tables have turned! One might say....
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
hey i'd have to agree he is a stalker i mean seriously he shouldnt do that he is a stalker but i only like me because well he's a vampire thts it end of question........
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
most definitely... From what I've heard, the movie was horrible too.
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
Fuck, it looks like it really is a bad series. Guess that's one name off my 'Want to Read' list.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/23/08 | Reply
I meant both =P
I don't think there's much to Bella's character and she always needed to be saved ~__~ So I perceived her as weak, I would have rathered a stronger female character, one that didn't need a knight in shining armor. You said she become stronger as the series progresses, but I only read up to the second book.
As for the writing style, I think Meyer is an excellent writer.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/23/08 | Reply
Haha, yeah I know what you mean. I write too, and it gets tiring when people are constantly criticizing you for your work.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/23/08 | Reply
Then she needed to be more specific....There is more than one way to use the word weak in the dictionary.
*random thought* I was just thinking...everyone complains about her writing style...... I don't understand that. I think she does a great job for first person. As a writer I know how hard it is to write in first person. You have to be careful not too ramble to much, and make you character sound too concieted. Also, when being in first peson you have a limited view on the whole story. As that one character you don't know everything and as the reader you only get that person's thoughts... It's really hard to write in first person and in MY opinion Stephanie Meyer does a wonderful job.
Wow....that was slightly off topic. ^.^
Kazumi Saya
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/23/08 | Reply
i looovvee twilight lol and i LOVE EDWARD <333
but to be honest i dont like bella.
in ways i agree w/ this card, in ways i dont.
thats how it happened in the movie, not the book i believe. the meadow scene was romantic in the book, not the movie.
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I'm so happy that some people, other then me, hate Twilight =^_^= There are just WAAAY to many crazed-fangirls at my school right now and this totally made my day!
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
you are quite welcome.
And I love your avie, BUTTERTOAST X'D
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Thank you.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
That's cool and I must confess, I did like it at one time, it's really the annoying girls at my school's fault that I put the book down.
And oh my, Harry Potter FTW <3 I never read the books but I love the movies :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
wow dam i love the books of twilight but the movie is scaring me... SERIOUSLY XD
okay any who about that card it's like true XD
well in the movie edward is not a sexy vampire, but when i read it *coughs* i can let my mind go over board :D
isn't that nice XD
very nice.. i like the book very nice but movie... different story
well u get points and u don't get points lol XD
The end~
Last edited by hackerblackrose at 7:19:47 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I loced the series before it got popular.
It's annoying seeing all the newbies. LOL But I still love it, plus I know Steph in person.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
So you like the book?
Happy fer yah.
And I'm not shouting out my hate, you chose to click the card and look at it, I suppose you've wasted your own time by commenting.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Thank you! I hate Twilight too! XD In fact, I started hating vampires due to the nonsense created from that series, but then I read Dracula and started watches Hellsing Ultimate, and now I like vampires again! ^.^ But I still hate Twilight.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Hate all you want.
I still think the book's way overrated, and yes vampires are flippen awesome, but Edward and his sparklyness FAILS HORRIBLY.
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
'Nuff said. Man,I am laughing right now. pfft :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
When she says that Bella is a weak character, she doesn't mean physically weak, like you think.
Bella is kinda like a cut out character. There's not much detail and support to her. She's somewhat lacking in personality. THAT'S what she meant by "a weak female character." Basically, she's what writers would call a "Marie-Sue" character.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I have to agree with you.... I loved the seires before it was a huge thing...Now I just get annoyed at people who LOVE it....
I actually loved Breaking Dawn the best... *shrugs*
Now, to the card.... I agree with everything about Bella....She's annoying....except her being a weak character...The whole point is that she starts off weak and by the last book she is no longer weak. That's the whole point... Through out the whole series she is weak and needs Edward and Jacob to protect her, but in the last book she gets strong when she has to protect everything she loves, including Edward and Jacob.
With Edward I agree with most of it except the lacking personality... He's just guarded.... If you want to see Edward's personality in full blast go onto Stephanie Meyer's website and read the first couple of chapters of Midnight Sun.
I'm not angry at you...you are entiled to your own opinion, but I'm just stating why I disagree with you. BTW I'm not a huge Twilighter...It's a great series, but I've read better....
Last edited by MewChero at 4:54:02 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Yeah, your day will go perfectly even if your friends drag you along! *whispers* Just make sure they know you're listening to your iPod so they don't confiscate it from ya! ^_~
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Yeppers! Nothing like a little Linkin Park or MCR to drown out the overused love confessions and Mary-sues. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Yes yes! You're gonna need to! Bring sunglasses and an iPod! =D
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Haha, sounds like you had a hilarious time! XD Stricking down the everage Twilight fan, more than a days work I'd say! I once called Twilight an overrated fanfiction to one of my Twilight *obsessed* friends and she smacked me with the book! T_T On my face.
How emotional was the scene, was it like, "Oh Edward, please don't leave me here..."
*Laughing erupts*
But if I ever get dragged by weird friends into a movie theater; I'll bring a pair of sunglasses to deflect the sparkles and crappy plotlines. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Oh I'm a Twilight fan--
but I'm not the annoying fan that talks about it 24/7 and who beats all the Twilight haters for not liking it. I have friends like that and they ANNOY ME about their consistent Twilight Babble.
It's kinda sad--alot of people I know hate it just because it's a big "thing" and they never even read it. And I've been accused of "conforming to society." which is DUMB because I remember picking up the book before it was ever this popular. It's actually a turn off how popular this book is...but I'm still sticking with it.
I hated the last book though. With a passion. I want to beat Stephenie Meyer with a stick about it.
Very true. Edward is an overprotective vampire. If ANYBODY was that overprotective, I'd go ballistic and go all ninja-y on them. AND YES! BELLA NEEDS TO GET AN ATTITUDE CHECK. Seriously, I can't take much of her insistent whining anymore. GOOD JOB! ><
BUT Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie is coming out in a few months!!! Yay [?] I don't know if you're a harry potter lover or hater. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Yahh! I was just giving the movie the disgrace look while I was watching. Sitting in between friends who complained about the movie or said how hot James was every 10 minutes. So it was like I was staring at the movie screen, then BOOM the side of two faces right in front of me. It was so hilarious but I was laughing thru an emotional scene. Ahh, good times. Oh, and people in the theater was laughing at the movie like it was a comedy. Jeeez.. well, sorry about the rant, haha~
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Aw, poor you. Two hours of your life, taken by the vampire with the sparkly chest...
Quick, advert thine eyes! His glittery chest will blind you!
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
wow!! so many twilight haters...
lol, tho i can't say i hate the first two books, i was very upset with the last two, and, i hate bella...and edward...so what do i read them for?
the hot werewolf named jacob...
but i do hate bella...she annoys me...and edward does lack a personality...i wish he'd stop being a prick...but that's just me. lol
Last edited by haseo luver92 at 2:28:50 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I've never even read the book so i have no say...but damn i sure get annoyed with the stupid people who wont shut up about it - -;;
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I love you so much for just saying that last line. Me & 9.tailed were hysterically making fun of Edward and his shiny glittery chest in the movie. [I decided to give it a try, hm outcome? Yeck~] ~laughs~
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
My day has just been made!
A fellow Twilight hater such as myself? Joy! :) I personally have not read the book in it's entity [only a third of it], but I just couldn't get into it. I mean---a vampire that magically falls in love with a girl? Come on! That's completely ruining the reputation of vampires. They're cold blooded killers; sadistic, playful, greedy and utterly beautiful. Edward in the movie... not so beautiful. He looks alright in some frames and then in the next, ack! The only way I'd read a vampire story is if the writer makes the love intrests more... sadistic, desperate, confused, and daring...
Most of my friends are devoted Twilight fans, "Oh Edward is so hot... Edward and Bella are sooo perfect for each other..." Basically, any book that takes vampires and makes them magically fall in love with their prey is called a crappy fanfiction on fanfiction.net or even the horrid Quizilla. [Except, I'd read a vampire fanfiction at ff.net over Twilight ANYDAY.] And I'm not stating my dislike for it because other people have a distaste for it. I just can't fall head-over-heels for impossible love stories and Mary-Sue situations.
And plus---vampires aren't so sparkly...
Last edited by Solenm Serpent at 5:53:30 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
i hate twilight too.....
edward X jacob tho.... that'd maek the series, if not better at least more amusing.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Wonderful, another Twilight hater! =D I think its good that not every mind has been consumed by this bad excuse for a 'Romance novel with a twist'. Sorry to all who like Twilight, but we're alowed to have our own opinons about things, just like you are. Its not a crime to have an opinon.
I really do think that Edward is a stalker, over controling and a creeper. But I really dislike Bella Swan more than anything because of the way she acts and just how terribly mary-sue she is.
Vampire stories aren't original anymore, and I think someone should tell Stephanie Mayer that. A 'Romance novel...with a twist!' does not a vampire story make. Its over used and now a sterotype that people, like me, are getting tired of. If she wants a twist, why not try something a little more exotic or original like a love story between some sort of mythical creature that hasn't been over used like a vampire. Also probably not making the lead female character so...sterotypical. Bella seriously is one of the Queen mary-sues in mary-sue kingdom.
So, sorry for the rant, but I'm just pretty much saying why most people dislike Twilight. The characters dont really have good personalities, its written badly, and the 'plot' is sterotypical. Its just my opinon, but I have a right to state it, just like some of you have a right to state that you like it.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I love you. *laugh* Thank you so much for this card. XD I'm so glad to see more people agree!!! And you're not afraid to say it either. I always have to tread carefully with my words cause I know lots of people love it. XD So you're wonderful~~
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Haha, damn right~ =D
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Thank you for speaking the honest truth.
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Ownage. :U
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I've never touched the books, but read some over my sister's shoulder. Is it even written that well? I'm sorry, but a vampire romance is just too much for me. Everyone keeps saying how hot the vampire is, but he just looks dead to me. I can take the evil vampires, but when people start making them good? THEY HAVE NO SOULS! They can't have any emotions but lust, gluttony, greed, and pride. It's impossible for one to love. When you take the definition of vampire out of it, it's just disturbing. Now, Dracula. HE was awesome vampire. And I mean the book, not any movie, though Van Helsing's wasn't too bad.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Not everyone will make an e-card about something they hate, but 9.tailed did.
"I'm sorry, but you have a lot of time to lose in order to make this."
Everything takes time to make:. wallpapers, e-cards, and drawing fanart. No matter if they hate it or not, otaku is a place to express how you feel about certain series and you put your imagination into work by making graphics. I'm pretty sure you take time to make your fanart and wallpapers, you shouldn't be saying that. You also lose time by commenting others too. Everything in life takes time to do.
Last edited by Furry-Chibi at 12:06:03 PM EST on November 22, 2008.
Otakuite | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
Whatever. I like twilight, if fact, I love it. For once, the vampires aren't mindless disgusting blood suckers. I hate Harry Potter and you don't see me making icons or other art to shout out my hate. I'm sorry, but you have a lot of time to lose in order to make this.
Sakaki Sakura
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
I love Twilight, but you speak truth. I like Jacob better anyway.![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/female-wink.gif)
Otakuite | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
oh yeah...that's the one saturday of my life im never getting back... the first two books were'nt that bad, but then it did get really whiny and annoying. i just quit halfway through book 3
Otakuite | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
i'ma twilight fan but all that stuff said is true![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/female-smile.gif)
Pa-Pura Karasu
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
hmm... your entitled to your opinion i guess...
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
I don't hate twilight but i guess i don't necessarily like it either. But this card is HILLARIOUS! XD I love it although this one girl at school saw it and shes a HUGE twilight fan. It was funny 'cause she was freaking out in the middle of class XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
Hey! Twilight is awesome ;-;
Sorry you dont like it, but Ive always been into romance novels! LOL! XD
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
=D enough said.