*hands him a yummy piece of teriyaki and slim jims and pets him*
well, we can still name him. hmmmmm...how about Jacob? u know, cuz in Twilight, jacob is a wolf?
or how about, hmmmm......Fluffy? .........Lightening?(cuz he is runing fast)..........idk what else.....hope that gives u help.
*pets him once more in farewell and sneakily hands him a piece of meat......YOU DIDNT SEE ANYTHING!* lol.
i dont want u to think i am spoiling him or anything...
OMG... MY AVI LOVES YOU!!! *ahem* sorry... no, he's not a vegetarian. wolves have all those teeth for a reason. he's shredding the meat now. ewww...
I don't know what to call him. :/ I don't usually name my avatar. I'm going to change it at some point anyway. I've had this one since I registered.
so cute! I love the neko! I think this is from a video game, but Idk which one... don't know if that's really helpful... :/ oh, well...
*my avatar drools and wants a treat* see what you did? feed 'em once and you can never get rid of 'em. lol!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/09 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
LOL. that would be me. i LOVE slim jims too

tell ur avi i miss him, but its ok.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/31/08 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
*grabs Slim Jims out of avi's mouth, wipes off the wolf drool, and devours them myself* okay, you didn't just see me do that... I love Slim Jims...
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/30/08 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
ok. good, i am glad he aint a vegi.
*hands him a yummy piece of teriyaki and slim jims and pets him*
well, we can still name him. hmmmmm...how about Jacob? u know, cuz in Twilight, jacob is a wolf?
or how about, hmmmm......Fluffy? .........Lightening?(cuz he is runing fast)..........idk what else.....hope that gives u help.
*pets him once more in farewell and sneakily hands him a piece of meat......YOU DIDNT SEE ANYTHING!* lol.
i dont want u to think i am spoiling him or anything...
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
OMG... MY AVI LOVES YOU!!! *ahem* sorry... no, he's not a vegetarian. wolves have all those teeth for a reason. he's shredding the meat now. ewww...
I don't know what to call him. :/ I don't usually name my avatar. I'm going to change it at some point anyway. I've had this one since I registered.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
@neko Misty kitten:
lol. sorry. i will give another treat then....
*hands ur avi a big piece of steak.* wait, is it a vegitarian?
we need a name for ur avi.
neko Misty kitten
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
so cute! I love the neko! I think this is from a video game, but Idk which one... don't know if that's really helpful... :/ oh, well...
*my avatar drools and wants a treat* see what you did? feed 'em once and you can never get rid of 'em. lol!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
Ohhhh, that is so adorable! *hugs* ^___^ Really beautiful, heartfelt card! It's very, very sweet!
Happy New Year!
Have a great day!
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
This is very romantic! If I had a special person, I'd send this to him.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
thanks! it was completely random but i liked how it turned out.
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply