>_________< Uga! I love you!! <333 *hugs* This is hilarious! *laugh* I really love it!! XD Maybe you should put it under 'for fun' cause that's what it seems like to me! *laugh* I actually think that's what most of the guys thought when Mihashi was all like...well, exhausted, but appearing dead. XD I love this card!!! ^________^ Yay for gold mines. <33333333333 Me want!!! *hugs*
Hehe, I love the added flower there. It really makes it even funnier! *laugh* And their thought bubbles. Ah, my dear, you are SO creative!! Great job, and thank you again sooooo much!
Koorime Rose
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/27/11 | Reply
Haha, not dead yet! XD Very amusing part though! Nice!
Moderator | Posted 12/30/09 | Reply
Lol, so funny XD
Although judging by his face, I can't say he's really that dead >3
The Wickedly Evil (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/09 | Reply
Lol thats so funny.Great job keep it up!
Last edited by Heartstop at 5:37:50 AM EST on January 17, 2009.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/13/09 | Reply
I love the new avatars you made me. <333 Quite obviously using one now. XDDD *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/13/09 | Reply
Very funny! Great job!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/12/09 | Reply
>_________< Uga! I love you!! <333 *hugs* This is hilarious! *laugh* I really love it!! XD Maybe you should put it under 'for fun' cause that's what it seems like to me! *laugh* I actually think that's what most of the guys thought when Mihashi was all like...well, exhausted, but appearing dead. XD I love this card!!! ^________^ Yay for gold mines. <33333333333 Me want!!! *hugs*
Hehe, I love the added flower there. It really makes it even funnier! *laugh* And their thought bubbles. Ah, my dear, you are SO creative!! Great job, and thank you again sooooo much!
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/12/09 | Reply
I like the rose:P