okey dokey! i will PM whenever i finish or when good parts come along. wich will prob. be often, idk.
i never heard of those animes, but i can never finish a series or manga in just one weekend. i wish i could tho, but its nearly impossible. i will try to finish this manga by today tho, i hope i succeed.
i cant wait to start on the wallie, i always surprise myself with what comes out. weird, huh?
No, I'm just hyped to see you make the gorgeous scene in a wallpaper.
I'm a huge fan of Yuu Watase. I fell in love with the anime Fushigi Yuugi after the first episode. I watched the entire series, all 50 episodes that weekend. Two weeks later, I stumbled upon the anime for Ayashi no Ceres (Ceres, Celestial Legend). I also finished that one in a weekend, fortunately only 26 episodes. During the summer, I devoured the manga for Ceres, and it was 100 times better than the anime, which is still one of my top series.
As far as Absolute Boyfriend, it was adorable. The idea of a model as her love still is bit too weird for me at times, but I love the other parts of theme very much. I love how it ends. PM me when you finish it or you want to discuss parts.
do u mean, as long as i dedicate it to you? *confused as to what u meant by 'just as long as i get it'*
i am now on chapter 5- Dinner. this is after the cosplaying dude said he would give Riiku the super discount special, but she has to provide herself for thebusiness.
its a good manga, sweet and cute. it does get a little mature, but it doesnt really do/show anything, so i dont mind.
thankies! i was thinking about making it a wallie, too. but i wasnt sure about it. but, now since u agree too, i think i might. but, maybe tomorrow or something. i dont have much time today. im prob. gonna make it 2morrow or monday....k?
but thanks for the hint
Last edited by twilight tiger at 8:44:39 PM EST on February 7, 2009.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/08/09 | Reply
okey dokey! i will PM whenever i finish or when good parts come along. wich will prob. be often, idk.
i never heard of those animes, but i can never finish a series or manga in just one weekend. i wish i could tho, but its nearly impossible. i will try to finish this manga by today tho, i hope i succeed.
i cant wait to start on the wallie, i always surprise myself with what comes out. weird, huh?
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/08/09 | Reply
@sasusaku 4ever:
glad u love it!
sasusaku 4ever
Guru's Chosen | Posted 02/08/09 | Reply
wow!!! beautiful card!!

i love it
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
No, I'm just hyped to see you make the gorgeous scene in a wallpaper.
I'm a huge fan of Yuu Watase. I fell in love with the anime Fushigi Yuugi after the first episode. I watched the entire series, all 50 episodes that weekend. Two weeks later, I stumbled upon the anime for Ayashi no Ceres (Ceres, Celestial Legend). I also finished that one in a weekend, fortunately only 26 episodes. During the summer, I devoured the manga for Ceres, and it was 100 times better than the anime, which is still one of my top series.
As far as Absolute Boyfriend, it was adorable. The idea of a model as her love still is bit too weird for me at times, but I love the other parts of theme very much. I love how it ends. PM me when you finish it or you want to discuss parts.
Have fun!
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
do u mean, as long as i dedicate it to you? *confused as to what u meant by 'just as long as i get it'*
i am now on chapter 5- Dinner. this is after the cosplaying dude said he would give Riiku the super discount special, but she has to provide herself for thebusiness.
its a good manga, sweet and cute. it does get a little mature, but it doesnt really do/show anything, so i dont mind.
what did u think of it?
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
Just as long as I get it! (Jumps up in happiness) I read Absolute Boyfriend in one day, too.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
i was thinking about making it a wallie, too. but i wasnt sure about it. but, now since u agree too, i think i might. but, maybe tomorrow or something. i dont have much time today. im prob. gonna make it 2morrow or monday....k?
but thanks for the hint
Last edited by twilight tiger at 8:44:39 PM EST on February 7, 2009.
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/09 | Reply
Beautiful mermaid pic and the quote is perfectly magical! :g_winK:
PS> This would be a wondeful wallpaper start, too. HINT*
Last edited by Karmira at 8:05:35 PM EST on February 7, 2009.