:D i love this card.. now that I figured out how I can comment I decided to catch up for what I hadn't commented on yet so your post on my0 is next..
I like the little arrow that has.. EAster references.. :P *laughs*
Jolly good.. I hope you had a good easter day and a good second easter day s well.. :D *hugs*
XD Haha, this is the best Easter card ever Steph! X3 The sparkles and the pink thingy he is holding = ♥. :3 And it is so sweet that it says Happy Easter to all your friends on here^^ Aw I am so honored! *hugs* I hope you had a wonderful Easter^^
Great job on the card by the way^^ Hehe you crack me up. X3 *hugs*
Oooh thanks ^^ that is a nice happy card for everyone, and thanks for dedicating it to me XD that was sweet of you! I hope you have had a lovely day filled with chocolate goodness ^^ *offers you a chocolate egg*
... People keep reminding me about painting eggs... I haven't done that it YEARS! ... I think I may have to revert to my childhood and find an egg to paint. Hehe.
I like the colours in the card and the egg stamps/brushes you used. I know what you mean about the borders thing... Sometimes when I find a new way of doing something in Gimp I want to use it on every wall I make XD haha. I think your card looks good as it is ^^
Aww, cute! I love the pink colors! <33 Tis lovely, Steph~ A very nice Easter card, lol...the Easter reference? What IS that? Is it supposed to be a bunny? XD I can't even tell! Haha! But I love it anyway! ^__^ Nice one~
Easter, I can try to explain it. It has different meanings for different people.
Christians see Easter as the time that Jesus died on the cross them was brought back to life to forgive us for our sins (I think he rises either today or tomorrow but Iam not religious so I don't know really).
For those who aren't Christian Easter is more of a time to eat chocolate Easter eggs or to do other things like Easter egg hunts (looking around for little chocolate eggs).
When I was younger Easter just meant the chocolate and 2 weeks off school ~ Smiles ~ I am bit old for it now though!
And happy easter to you too.I am not shure what is easter but I think
just a conclusion on that day we eat kozunak and eegs maibe and if you try to explain me about it I mey not understend you becouse my english is very poor I don't understand all about it
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
:D i love this card.. now that I figured out how I can comment I decided to catch up for what I hadn't commented on yet so your post on my0 is next..
I like the little arrow that has.. EAster references.. :P *laughs*
Jolly good.. I hope you had a good easter day and a good second easter day s well.. :D *hugs*
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
XD Haha, this is the best Easter card ever Steph! X3 The sparkles and the pink thingy he is holding = ♥. :3 And it is so sweet that it says Happy Easter to all your friends on here^^ Aw I am so honored! *hugs* I hope you had a wonderful Easter^^
Great job on the card by the way^^ Hehe you crack me up. X3 *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
Yes, Easter~!! :D woot~!!XD
That device thing actually does kinda look like an egg with a bunny pic on it 8D lol
*hugs* >u<
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
Oooh thanks ^^ that is a nice happy card for everyone, and thanks for dedicating it to me XD that was sweet of you! I hope you have had a lovely day filled with chocolate goodness ^^ *offers you a chocolate egg*
... People keep reminding me about painting eggs... I haven't done that it YEARS! ... I think I may have to revert to my childhood and find an egg to paint. Hehe.
I like the colours in the card and the egg stamps/brushes you used. I know what you mean about the borders thing... Sometimes when I find a new way of doing something in Gimp I want to use it on every wall I make XD haha. I think your card looks good as it is ^^
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
Aww, cute! I love the pink colors! <33 Tis lovely, Steph~ A very nice Easter card, lol...the Easter reference? What IS that? Is it supposed to be a bunny? XD I can't even tell! Haha! But I love it anyway! ^__^ Nice one~
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
o.o *turns head upside down trying to see the reference* ok i give up xD
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
@Magnus Lensherr:
ok I do understand
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
Easter, I can try to explain it. It has different meanings for different people.
Christians see Easter as the time that Jesus died on the cross them was brought back to life to forgive us for our sins (I think he rises either today or tomorrow but Iam not religious so I don't know really).
For those who aren't Christian Easter is more of a time to eat chocolate Easter eggs or to do other things like Easter egg hunts (looking around for little chocolate eggs).
When I was younger Easter just meant the chocolate and 2 weeks off school ~ Smiles ~ I am bit old for it now though!
I hope that explains it for you ~ Smiles ~
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/12/09 | Reply
And happy easter to you too.I am not shure what is easter but I think
just a conclusion on that day we eat kozunak and eegs maibe and if you try to explain me about it I mey not understend you becouse my english is very poor I don't understand all about it