Otaku Legend | Posted 05/06/09 | Reply
Chad from Bleach... A guy of many words XD Aww, we love him, though.
wolf of sorrow: and what did that Chad kid do to deserve you picking on him, huh? It's not nice to pick on someone.
JMusicGuru (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
Everyone has Japanese names cept Chad... poor Chad. I use to pick on a kid named Chad... haha
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/06/09 | Reply
Chad from Bleach... A guy of many words XD Aww, we love him, though.
wolf of sorrow: and what did that Chad kid do to deserve you picking on him, huh? It's not nice to pick on someone.
wolf of sorrow
JMusicGuru (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
Everyone has Japanese names cept Chad... poor Chad. I use to pick on a kid named Chad... haha