Ooh! An idea a friend and I had a while back (it's kinda corny, but) have Pit and like, an arrow or something pointing to his arm with the caption "Arm Pit". I thought it was funny!
Thanks! I was actually thinking about doing the same thing for Lucas, but I decided against it because it would be almost like submitting the same thing twice.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
WOW! Love it! Definite fave! Great job! You were asking about another idea, you could search for Lucas from SSBB with a lightsaber and use same caption except with Lucas as the name! Just a thought!
Last edited by Smiling Isoka at 11:16:45 PM EDT on June 22, 2009.
Smiling Isoka
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/26/09 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Haha! I can't wait to see it!
Pit's my fave Smash Bros character! I'm a sucker for red-heads! 
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/25/09 | Reply
@Smiling Isoka:
You just gave me an idea. Instead of "Arm Pit", I'm going to do something slightly different involving Pit. It's still going to be a pun, though.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Smiling Isoka
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/23/09 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Ooh! An idea a friend and I had a while back (it's kinda corny, but) have Pit and like, an arrow or something pointing to his arm with the caption "Arm Pit". I thought it was funny!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/09 | Reply
@Smiling Isoka:
Thanks! I was actually thinking about doing the same thing for Lucas, but I decided against it because it would be almost like submitting the same thing twice.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Smiling Isoka
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/22/09 | Reply
WOW! Love it! Definite fave!
Great job! You were asking about another idea, you could search for Lucas from SSBB with a lightsaber and use same caption except with Lucas as the name! Just a thought! 
Last edited by Smiling Isoka at 11:16:45 PM EDT on June 22, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/03/09 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
No prob.! ^-^
We can talk ideas if you like?
Could be fun. XD
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/09 | Reply
Your welcome. And thank YOU for commenting. Now, if only I could come up with some other ideas....
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
Hahaha!!!! :D
This is awesome!
Job has been done great, paduan!
lol Thanks the dedication!
Makes my day. :}
Keep this up! XD
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
I'm glad you like it and I'm honored that you want to send it to someone. Hope your sister enjoys it!
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
Thats so awsum, I'm sending that to my sister!!