Wow, KeybladeMewKasa, great job on the e-card! Actually, I wish I could figure out how to create an e-card like that! I can't even begin to create one! <laughs at self>
I absolutely love this. This is such an amazing e-card and the effects and stuff you used just make it all the more beautiful. This is just a beautiful image and you did such a great job working with it. I just love this. Thanks for making such an awesometastic piece of art because I gotta say,this is just extremely beautiful.Also good luck in the challenge.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
This is sooo pretty!!! And featured! lol I was gonna comment earlier...But I had to go to the Zoo. lol
*glomps* My new favorite card. *nods* Hehehehe.
Great Job Kasa-chan!!
Ffffff why are there like no comments? IT'S BEEN FEATURED THERE SHOULD BE MORE.
;m; This is like my favorite doujinshi ever, and i had a hard time tracking it down but i finally got it and was like 'YAYAYAYAYAY OH WAIT THIS IS SAD *cry*'
W-well he didn't necessarily cause it but he didn't you know try to help either;;
;w; Anyways, it's a nice eCard! I like the color gradient and texture~
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/12/10 | Reply
Oh snap I feel bad I still didn't comment on this and it was featured. D: First off, congrats! Second, thank you for the entry!! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
great job and happy easter. =)
Alazne Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
Wow, KeybladeMewKasa, great job on the e-card!
Actually, I wish I could figure out how to create an e-card like that! I can't even begin to create one! <laughs at self>
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
I absolutely love this. This is such an amazing e-card and the effects and stuff you used just make it all the more beautiful. This is just a beautiful image and you did such a great job working with it. I just love this. Thanks for making such an awesometastic piece of art because I gotta say,this is just extremely beautiful.Also good luck in the challenge.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
This is sooo pretty!!! And featured! lol I was gonna comment earlier...But I had to go to the Zoo. lol
*glomps* My new favorite card. *nods* Hehehehe.
Great Job Kasa-chan!!
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
Ffffff why are there like no comments? IT'S BEEN FEATURED THERE SHOULD BE MORE.
;m; This is like my favorite doujinshi ever, and i had a hard time tracking it down but i finally got it and was like 'YAYAYAYAYAY OH WAIT THIS IS SAD *cry*'
W-well he didn't necessarily cause it but he didn't you know try to help either;;
;w; Anyways, it's a nice eCard! I like the color gradient and texture~
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
l'm so amazed you could do this on l don't know how to do something like on that program. x3