O___________O;;;;;; That's a friggin awful lot of ways! O___________O;;;;;;
Do you also know how many ways there are a rubics cube can look? There are billions, but I don't know exactly how many...
Great card! ^^
Last edited by Pantalaimon1467 at 12:52:32 PM EDT on April 24, 2010.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/24/10 | Reply
I know right? That's how I was when I found out.
There must be a lot of ways! ^^ But I haven't even managed to solve it once... >o<
Thank you! ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/24/10 | Reply
O___________O;;;;;; That's a friggin awful lot of ways! O___________O;;;;;;
Do you also know how many ways there are a rubics cube can look? There are billions, but I don't know exactly how many...
Great card! ^^
Last edited by Pantalaimon1467 at 12:52:32 PM EDT on April 24, 2010.