*hugs you* I'm glad you are back ^^ It feels like this place is almost back to normal now you are here, and Caprisha, and even Steph sometimes too ^^
Yay for the new laptop! I hated not having mine when it broke, such a pain! I don't have a tv that works so my laptop is my means of keeping in touch with the world XD I hope your laptop serves you well ^^ is it all new and fancy? I've had mine for about five years now, nearly.
Thank YOU for being a good friend ^^ here, have a look at this, i love how they animated it ^^ [clicky] I'm glad you liked the card, I need to water my plants, but I am just getting ready for bed... I'll have to give them a drink in the morning, it was so hot today!
I made that with a combination of gimp and photoshop elements [hehe i always want to type 'elephants'!] I have to re-size/crop things with gimp as photoshop confuses me by not saying the measurements in pixels.
*squeeeeeze-hug* I hope you are doing well. Are you on holiday from school and such now? Take care ^^ I'll have to pm you sometime.
Oh my sweet Anna-chan, have I told you lately that I love you? XD *hugs* Hello there sweetheart, how are you? :) It has been so long! I finally got a laptop, for my birthday^^ I'm really happy and thankful feeling right now, and a bit excited! I haven't had a comp for awhile now so it's like wow. So be expecting some comments from me Miss Anna! And thank you for being such a good friend to me, even after all this time. ^_^ *hugs* I hope you have been doing well.
Anyway, on to this beautiful card! Wow you grew that flower? It's so incredibly gorgeous! ^.^ Wow Anna, you sure have a green thumb on you huh? I bet you grow beautiful crops and flowers in the Harvest Moon games too! XD Anyway, I love how you did the text, probably my favorite part about this card. It's so spring-like and adorable. Did you create this with GIMP? I hope you do good in the challenge because this is a really beautiful and sweet card! *faves and hugs*
Keep up the amazing work Anna^^ It's good to see graphics again from you!
Sooo cute! <33 Aww, that's a pretty flower and picture you took. :) Hey, of course it counts! Didn't you see my card? I also just used the photos I took of flowers! It's such a sweet quote, too. Nice job, Anna!
you must'nt apologize, it was just self-blame and I think too, that the term wildflower is nicer, and yeah its so true what you said about dandelions(to be true i didnt knew what flower you meant it, but looked up in a dictionary just like cornflower, but there were two words for it, and i wasnt sure which is the better one)... they are pretty but REALLY though WEEDS
I remember when i was a little child had much fun with them, blowing their seeds away, but my mother and my granny doent liked it in their garden, coz they suppressed the other flowers.
Uhm,and sorry if i bother you with such long comments
Last edited by Karisan at 4:42:10 PM CDT on June 10, 2010.
Oh, no I wasn't saying your english was bad! I just think the term wildflower is nicer ^^ I think they ARE weeds, but I think they are pretty. I even like dandelions, and you can't get much more weedy than that!
Its okay..and yes its correctMy english is bad... still need to learn many words and getting better in grammar =_=
Oh, yes its a good idea! But are those flowers not kinda type of weed? I mean i dont know if i could get some in a flowershop, and this year i havent seen any, so that i could get their seeds...
Last edited by Karisan at 2:42:15 PM CDT on June 10, 2010.
Oh, its so pretty!!!With those words it reminds me of my mother, coz, cornflowers are her favorit ones(though, im not sure of it, if they really calls like that in english)If she would know some english, i'll definetly would print this for her out as a gift
Great job!
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/10 | Reply
Your card is soooo pretty!~ >///<
Oh!This is one of your photos?O ¬ O Very cool!~
You know the name of the flower?O w O It's so beautiful!X3
I really love this card,Anna-chan!^_^ Is perfect for challenge too!XD
[Do not worry,you're not late!XD]
Keep up the great work!^-^ And good luck in the challenge!~
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/20/10 | Reply
@innocent heart:
*hugs you* I'm glad you are back ^^ It feels like this place is almost back to normal now you are here, and Caprisha, and even Steph sometimes too ^^
Yay for the new laptop! I hated not having mine when it broke, such a pain! I don't have a tv that works so my laptop is my means of keeping in touch with the world XD I hope your laptop serves you well ^^ is it all new and fancy? I've had mine for about five years now, nearly.
Thank YOU for being a good friend ^^ here, have a look at this, i love how they animated it ^^ [clicky] I'm glad you liked the card, I need to water my plants, but I am just getting ready for bed... I'll have to give them a drink in the morning, it was so hot today!
I made that with a combination of gimp and photoshop elements [hehe i always want to type 'elephants'!] I have to re-size/crop things with gimp as photoshop confuses me by not saying the measurements in pixels.
*squeeeeeze-hug* I hope you are doing well. Are you on holiday from school and such now? Take care ^^ I'll have to pm you sometime.
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/20/10 | Reply
Oh my sweet Anna-chan, have I told you lately that I love you? XD *hugs* Hello there sweetheart, how are you? :) It has been so long! I finally got a laptop, for my birthday^^ I'm really happy and thankful feeling right now, and a bit excited! I haven't had a comp for awhile now so it's like wow. So be expecting some comments from me Miss Anna! And thank you for being such a good friend to me, even after all this time. ^_^ *hugs* I hope you have been doing well.
Anyway, on to this beautiful card! Wow you grew that flower? It's so incredibly gorgeous! ^.^ Wow Anna, you sure have a green thumb on you huh? I bet you grow beautiful crops and flowers in the Harvest Moon games too! XD Anyway, I love how you did the text, probably my favorite part about this card. It's so spring-like and adorable. Did you create this with GIMP? I hope you do good in the challenge because this is a really beautiful and sweet card! *faves and hugs*
Keep up the amazing work Anna^^ It's good to see graphics again from you!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Not at all, I like long comments :D
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Sooo cute! <33 Aww, that's a pretty flower and picture you took. :) Hey, of course it counts! Didn't you see my card? I also just used the photos I took of flowers! It's such a sweet quote, too. Nice job, Anna!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
you must'nt apologize, it was just self-blame and I think too, that the term wildflower is nicer, and yeah its so true what you said about dandelions(to be true i didnt knew what flower you meant it, but looked up in a dictionary just like cornflower, but there were two words for it, and i wasnt sure which is the better one)... they are pretty but REALLY though WEEDS
I remember when i was a little child had much fun with them, blowing their seeds away, but my mother and my granny doent liked it in their garden, coz they suppressed the other flowers.
Uhm,and sorry if i bother you with such long comments
Last edited by Karisan at 4:42:10 PM CDT on June 10, 2010.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Oh, no I wasn't saying your english was bad! I just think the term wildflower is nicer ^^ I think they ARE weeds, but I think they are pretty. I even like dandelions, and you can't get much more weedy than that!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Uhm, sorry to use the word "weed"
... like i said my english is bad... i'd prefer the word "wildflower" too
Last edited by Karisan at 3:09:28 PM CDT on June 10, 2010.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Well I suppose they are a kind of weed. I prefer to think of them as wild flowers. You could buy them from EBAY like these seeds here ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Its okay
..and yes its correctMy english is bad... still need to learn many words and getting better in grammar =_=
Oh, yes its a good idea! But are those flowers not kinda type of weed? I mean i dont know if i could get some in a flowershop, and this year i havent seen any, so that i could get their seeds...
Last edited by Karisan at 2:42:15 PM CDT on June 10, 2010.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Searches online... Nem beszélek magyarul was that correct? ^^
Perhaps you could plant some Cornflower seeds?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
By us are cornflowers nowadays very rare ... so im happy that you captured it and made a pretty ecard out of it^^
Last edited by Karisan at 12:52:46 PM CDT on June 10, 2010.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
^^ Thanks very muchly, it isn't often that things I say are 'deep and meaningful'. I must have had a good day yesterday *smiles*
Thank you very much for the lovely comment :3
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
@Mint Dash:
Hee hee, thanks ^^ I think it has a sleepy feeling inside it, as I made it a bit too late last night XD
Thanks for the lovely comment :3
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
@Hanaro Souhi:
Thank you very much dearest ^^ Oh, this is a Cornflower~! I'm glad you liked my card, thanks for stopping by
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Thank you for your sweet comment, i'm very flattered ^^
Yes, this is indeed a Cornflower *smiles* I only have a few flowers this year, but they are pretty. Last year I had some pink Cornflowers too!
What language does your Mother speak? If you don't mind me asking
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
Wow, great photo! This is really beautiful.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
I really like it! The photo itself is beautiful and to top it off, the words are really deep and meaningful. Good job!
Mint Dash
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
It seems like have a deep feeling inside it..
nice card! XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/09/10 | Reply
Oh, its so pretty!!!
With those words it reminds me of my mother, coz, cornflowers are her favorit ones(though, im not sure of it, if they really calls like that in english)If she would know some english, i'll definetly would print this for her out as a gift

Great job!
Neko Nana Mode
Cure Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/10 | Reply
I really like the color of the flower.
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/10 | Reply
Your card is soooo pretty!~ >///<
Oh!This is one of your photos?O ¬ O Very cool!~
You know the name of the flower?O w O It's so beautiful!X3
I really love this card,Anna-chan!^_^ Is perfect for challenge too!XD
[Do not worry,you're not late!XD]
Keep up the great work!^-^ And good luck in the challenge!~