Thanks for entering!!!
Na-tsu looks so cute in this card!!! and you reminded me that I forgot to read the latest chapter *searches for the chapter* hah, found it!!!
Nice quote, it would be fun to have someone tell it to me, cause I would be all like "whatever" -_-
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/10 | Reply
ur welcome ^^
haha yeah,i love Nut'su!!glad i reminded u ^^
haha i tell it to people all the time
Don't lose the moon while counting the stars
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/04/10 | Reply
Thanks for entering!!!
Na-tsu looks so cute in this card!!! and you reminded me that I forgot to read the latest chapter *searches for the chapter* hah, found it!!!
Nice quote, it would be fun to have someone tell it to me, cause I would be all like "whatever" -_-