It's also October 14th where I am^^ I'm answering you and then, I'm gonna do blood test *sighs* After posting some works here XD
At college, I chose Litterature. Actually, I say that but I'm officially in "Science of Language". So it's a bit more than studying texts ^w^ Then, I didn't chose the courses I have, just the kind of studies XD For now, it's pretty interesting. I'm in 2nd year and my courses are more around philosophy this semester. It's hard but I finally get it (after 3 weeks of huge misunderstanding XD)^^
Name of my school ? I can give it to you, yup XD It's the Catholic University of Lyon. Lyon is the name of my city ^w^
Anyway ! Hope you'll find a job ! It'll be easier for you and, also, we will see you more >__<
Good luck for your interview also^^
That's it ! Avec plaisir means with pleasure ! Thanks Google XD
Hey! .. Uhmm.. now is Oct 14, I'm now at internet cafe.. I'm typing this 12:15 pm.. I graduated only this year..my course was Indutsrial Psychology.. I grduated with so many chicken pox scars and I had no money for the few last months so now, I'm still looking for a job.. hehe.. Just right now, I mean an hours ago, 9am I took exam and if I passed that, they'll call me for panel interview.. Whew! I'm scared of interviw, then the panel one?? Oh my! I'm not good in interview.. haha!
By the way, I'm applying for HR pesonnel..
How 'bout you? What course did you take and may I know the name of your school? I'll rob you! Bwahahah!.. Just kidding trying hard to make u laugh.. hehe..
See you around felcie! avec plaisir means with pleasure right? Hahaha! How did I know? Secret.. I google it eh
Haha, thanks~~♥
Yup, I'm pure French, even if my mother was born in Africa, the country was french at that time, so ^w^
I'll teach you some french words avec plaisir ^_~
Edit : I forgot to answer you on one point XD Yeah, I'm still studying ! I'm in second year at University^^
Last edited by Felcie at 1:19:17 PM CDT on October 6, 2010.
WOooooow! You are a French?? Wow! For sure you are beautiful! You still study? WOw! Are you pure French? Hehe maybe you could teach me some words mademoiselle.. eh? Ooopss... =D
Au revoir!
Honestly, I don't know you yet that much.
Really? You'll be 20? Wow! Our age is that close ah.. hehe!
By the way, I'm from Manila, Philippines.. How 'bout you?
The only thing that I know about you is that you're a female and a very great artist. I like your artworks! Mwah!
Bitten by Laito (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
Wow Felcie! This is too much! Wow! Amazing! This is the 1st card I received in my bday! ^o^
Oh! I can't stop smiling! Thank you sooo much Felcie!
You're such a wonderful friend! Thank you, thank you! Mwah!
By the way, I'm 21 yrs old now.. Glad to survive and reach this age. Haha!
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/10 | Reply
OMG!Mayu Sakai!~ * w * She's awesome!~ [I'm reading Rockin Heaven!XD So cool!~♥]
I don't know this manga,but the girl is so cute!~ ^-^
I love the textures!>///<
Great work,Felcie-san!> ¬ <
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/10 | Reply
It's also October 14th where I am^^ I'm answering you and then, I'm gonna do blood test *sighs* After posting some works here XD
At college, I chose Litterature. Actually, I say that but I'm officially in "Science of Language". So it's a bit more than studying texts ^w^ Then, I didn't chose the courses I have, just the kind of studies XD For now, it's pretty interesting. I'm in 2nd year and my courses are more around philosophy this semester. It's hard but I finally get it (after 3 weeks of huge misunderstanding XD)^^
Name of my school ? I can give it to you, yup XD It's the Catholic University of Lyon. Lyon is the name of my city ^w^
Anyway ! Hope you'll find a job ! It'll be easier for you and, also, we will see you more >__<
Good luck for your interview also^^
That's it ! Avec plaisir means with pleasure ! Thanks Google XD
Bitten by Laito (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
.. Uhmm.. now is Oct 14, I'm now at internet cafe.. I'm typing this 12:15 pm.. I graduated only this year..my course was Indutsrial Psychology.. I grduated with so many chicken pox scars and I had no money for the few last months so now, I'm still looking for a job.. hehe.. Just right now, I mean an hours ago, 9am I took exam and if I passed that, they'll call me for panel interview.. Whew! I'm scared of interviw, then the panel one?? Oh my! I'm not good in interview.. haha!
By the way, I'm applying for HR pesonnel..
How 'bout you? What course did you take and may I know the name of your school? I'll rob you! Bwahahah!.. Just kidding trying hard to make u laugh.. hehe..
See you around felcie! avec plaisir means with pleasure right? Hahaha! How did I know? Secret.. I google it eh
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/06/10 | Reply
Haha, thanks~~♥
Yup, I'm pure French, even if my mother was born in Africa, the country was french at that time, so ^w^
I'll teach you some french words avec plaisir ^_~
Edit : I forgot to answer you on one point XD Yeah, I'm still studying ! I'm in second year at University^^
Last edited by Felcie at 1:19:17 PM CDT on October 6, 2010.
Bitten by Laito (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/06/10 | Reply
WOooooow! You are a French?? Wow! For sure you are beautiful!
You still study? WOw! Are you pure French? Hehe maybe you could teach me some words mademoiselle.. eh? Ooopss... =D
Au revoir!
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/01/10 | Reply
Haha XD
Well, I'm a female, artist but not that great and... I'm French^^ From France, sure^^
Bitten by Laito (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/01/10 | Reply
Honestly, I don't know you yet that much.
Really? You'll be 20? Wow! Our age is that close ah.. hehe!
By the way, I'm from Manila, Philippines.. How 'bout you?
The only thing that I know about you is that you're a female and a very great artist. I like your artworks! Mwah!
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
You're very welcome^^
I'm just gald you like it~~♪
21 yrs old ? Waaaaaah *__* I'll be only 20 at the end of this year XD
Bitten by Laito (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
Wow Felcie! This is too much! Wow! Amazing! This is the 1st card I received in my bday! ^o^
Oh! I can't stop smiling! Thank you sooo much Felcie!
You're such a wonderful friend! Thank you, thank you! Mwah!
By the way, I'm 21 yrs old now.. Glad to survive and reach this age. Haha!
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
@Hanaro Souhi:
Thank youuuu ! I'm glad you like it^^
I love Mayu Sakai too ! I read Rockin' Heaven and Momo is a manga she's currently doing~~♥
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
Yeah right ? >__<
Thanks for your comment~~♪
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/10 | Reply
OMG!Mayu Sakai!~ * w * She's awesome!~ [I'm reading Rockin Heaven!XD So cool!~♥]
I don't know this manga,but the girl is so cute!~ ^-^
I love the textures!>///<
Great work,Felcie-san!> ¬ <
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/10 | Reply
Devilishly cute indeed ^^
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/10 | Reply
Awwwww, you like Momo too ?! Cool >__<
Thank you~~♪
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/12/10 | Reply
Omfg! That's so cool, I found someone else who likes momo!!
I love momo she is so adorable :D
Your card is very pretty~ nice choice of pic!