You're welcome and I know how that can be. Because making cards is too one of those things that you can always do something and change, there is no end. But you chose a really good one! :D
Thank you! :3 Haha I'm afraid the more I look at a card's text the more I will want to mess with it, so I just put down the first stuff I can think of and submit. XD
This is SOOO... GOOD and fashionable. You always do great stuff with these cards and not only that your typography looks amazing, the text you found is great as well! But your typography is what makes that text be good anyway. :D
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 01/24/11 | Reply
Haha I imagine drawing must be the same thing! ^^ Like, wanting to change every single thing as soon as you draw it or something. XD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/11 | Reply
You're welcome and I know how that can be. Because making cards is too one of those things that you can always do something and change, there is no end. But you chose a really good one! :D
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 01/23/11 | Reply
Thank you! :3 Haha I'm afraid the more I look at a card's text the more I will want to mess with it, so I just put down the first stuff I can think of and submit. XD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/11 | Reply
This is SOOO... GOOD and fashionable. You always do great stuff with these cards and not only that your typography looks amazing, the text you found is great as well! But your typography is what makes that text be good anyway. :D
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 01/23/11 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
Thank you! ^^ I'm glad you like it~
Last edited by Hulaberry32 at 4:45:44 PM CST on January 23, 2011.
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/11 | Reply
Woow, this is so beautiful, K-ON characters are indeed fashionable. Love the tiny text <3
Thank you for your entry!
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3