Lol. <33 I love your spoiler text. XD Indeed, indeed! I <3 Seregil. Though it is a shame that he's gay. ;D But that is why I love the books so much...for the smexy smexy BL! Haha. Well maybe a threesome can be arranged with him and Alec. Hehe. But uhhhhh. Yes. THANK YOU. <3
Aww, of course you stand a chance!! Mine isn't PERFECT, and everyone's opinion is different. :) And yes was obvious what I would use. XD Thanks~
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Wow!This image was i your world before!O ¬ O So cool!XD
I always liked the effects the colors and in the details!
The colors are amazing and the typography is wonderful!* w *
Keep up the good work!And good luck in the challenge!> 3 <
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Uwaaa, I don't stand a chance*_* LOL
I might've known you'd use this image to enter in the challenge!xD I remember this guy all too well from your World...:P Anyways, I like the darkness of the card, somehow it attracts attention:) Lovely typography as always!^^ *hugs* Good luck in the challenge!:)
Amazing! I absolutely love the darkness of the image, I think it gives it a lovely effect. And the typography is gorgeous! Thanks for entering my challenge~ :D
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/18/11 | Reply
Lol. <33 I love your spoiler text. XD Indeed, indeed! I <3 Seregil. Though it is a shame that he's gay. ;D But that is why I love the books so much...for the smexy smexy BL! Haha. Well maybe a threesome can be arranged with him and Alec. Hehe. But uhhhhh. Yes. THANK YOU. <3
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 02/18/11 | Reply
First thing I thought when I saw the card was, "Damn, I would tap that." "This is amazing; look at those fantastic colors and waving hair!" //combs
I adore this card; the red near the bottom along with with color and style of the image is great. <3 The typography is lovely as well~
Great work!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/18/11 | Reply
Oooooh, you've inspired me to look at that challenge. I like what you did to the image, dark yet not dingy ^^
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Aww, of course you stand a chance!! Mine isn't PERFECT, and everyone's opinion is different. :) And yes was obvious what I would use. XD Thanks~
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
@Hanaro Souhi:
Yes, I used this cover on my world's banner! :) Thank you!! *hugs*
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Wow!This image was i your world before!O ¬ O So cool!XD
I always liked the effects the colors and in the details!
The colors are amazing and the typography is wonderful!* w *
Keep up the good work!And good luck in the challenge!> 3 <
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Uwaaa, I don't stand a chance*_* LOL
I might've known you'd use this image to enter in the challenge!xD I remember this guy all too well from your World...:P Anyways, I like the darkness of the card, somehow it attracts attention:) Lovely typography as always!^^ *hugs* Good luck in the challenge!:)
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Lovely image. The quote is really inspiring, I love it. Awesome typography too <3
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 02/15/11 | Reply
Amazing! I absolutely love the darkness of the image, I think it gives it a lovely effect. And the typography is gorgeous! Thanks for entering my challenge~ :D