Each of your cards get better and better! This one proves it and to tell you honest, you are very smart and understand things in a good way.^^ That's a very nice trait that you have.
And as I said, the card looks very lovely as well. Quite special and different in the way of using the text there. Innovative and interesting, you get bonus points for that. Keep on going! :D
I AM jealous though. You show improvement with every card, literally. Your hard work shows so much. Sometimes I make cards that I'm like "Wow, I made this??" and others ones are like "Meh...whatever. I wanna submit something". But all of yours "WOW" me each time I see them! C:
And, thanks about the icons xD
Some of my old ones that I used to be proud of are like......*twitch* must remake *twitch*
Ahw thank you!:3
But there's no need to be jealous! You're always improving too!^^ And your icons in particular - they were amazing when you started making them, but they're still so much better now!^__^ <3
alexea arescia
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/11 | Reply
wonderful card Sax Girl!
it looks slightly simple but it's nice...I mean, it's beautiful^^
good luck in the challenge!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/11 | Reply
Each of your cards get better and better! This one proves it and to tell you honest, you are very smart and understand things in a good way.^^ That's a very nice trait that you have.
And as I said, the card looks very lovely as well. Quite special and different in the way of using the text there. Innovative and interesting, you get bonus points for that. Keep on going! :D
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/11 | Reply
*hugs, favs, AND likes* <3
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/11 | Reply
I AM jealous though. You show improvement with every card, literally. Your hard work shows so much. Sometimes I make cards that I'm like "Wow, I made this??" and others ones are like "Meh...whatever. I wanna submit something". But all of yours "WOW" me each time I see them! C:
And, thanks about the icons xD
Some of my old ones that I used to be proud of are like......*twitch* must remake *twitch*
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/11 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
Ahw thank you!:3
You're always improving too!^^ And your icons in particular - they were amazing when you started making them, but they're still so much better now!^__^ <3
But there's no need to be jealous!
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/11 | Reply
You're improving so much C':
*is jealous*
Last edited by MikuBerry at 5:16:48 PM CDT on July 2, 2011.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most