Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/12 | Reply
This works fine, don't worry. You did a wonderful job, at that. ^_^ The background is really cute! I like the colors too. I've always been a fan of these colors. Plus it's always good to see some Gundam related entries! :D
Thank you so much for participating! I really appreciate it. :D
Haha, nema to veze ^^. Mozda ti se sutra bude dalo, a mislim da ce ga jos ostati.
Stvarno ? jadni vi Nama je cijelo vrijeme imalo. Jesi vidila slike kako su ljudi skijali na Bacvicama ? xD
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Lucy, this looks great ~! :). It DID turn out pretty :D, great job on the background ^^. (you'll have to tech me how to add it :P)
I remembered I have to enter this too! *goes to make the entry x3* Good luck in the challenge ~
Jesi li bila danas malo na snijegu ? :)
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
@Enigmatic Turk:
Thank you!
It's my pleasure to participate in your challenge :)
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/12 | Reply
This works fine, don't worry. You did a wonderful job, at that. ^_^ The background is really cute! I like the colors too. I've always been a fan of these colors. Plus it's always good to see some Gundam related entries! :D
Thank you so much for participating! I really appreciate it. :D
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Ajme vidila sam, jedni se skijaju, a drugi plivaju xD
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Haha, nema to veze ^^. Mozda ti se sutra bude dalo, a mislim da ce ga jos ostati.
Stvarno ?
jadni viNama je cijelo vrijeme imalo. Jesi vidila slike kako su ljudi skijali na Bacvicama ? xDLucy77
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Ne znam zasto mi se nije dalo :/
Al' kod nas struje nije bilo bar 4 sata, pa smo se smrzavali
i zivjeli u mraku xDanimegirl171
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Kako ti se nije dalo ? Pa to je snijeg u..ovdje! Znaci, jedno od svjetskih cuda XD. Haha zezam se :3
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Nije mi se dalo xD samo sam malo otvorila prozor i radila mini grude
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
You are welcome ^^.
I can see that :). Thank you :3
Zašto ? :O
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Thank you very much!
I tried my best for background (of course I'll teach you
Nažalost, nisam
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/12 | Reply
Lucy, this looks great ~! :). It DID turn out pretty :D, great job on the background ^^. (you'll have to tech me how to add it :P)
I remembered I have to enter this too! *goes to make the entry x3* Good luck in the challenge ~
Jesi li bila danas malo na snijegu ? :)