Well is really easy ;3 Here's a link where you can download this pattern. After you download it you will open the Photoshop and you will make a new document and then you will do this Edit/Fill/Custom Pattern, you will click the symbol that look like an arrow( > something like this) then it will a appear a long bar with lots of options, then one you will click is Load patterns and look for the pattern you just download and then is supposed to put all the different patterns. Then for practice and to know all the different designs open an image and then make a transparent new layer and then you will do this Edit/Fill/Custom Pattern and click the pattern you want in you layer. Then that layer will fill with the pattern. What make the effects of the lines in my card is because I change the layer in Overlay or Soft Light, so that way it will look transparent in the image with only the lines. Hope what I say doesn't sound too much complicated >_>; I suck at English and I suck explaining things ;___; If you have any more questions or something just let me know.
Gahhh~ I love it! I can never get enough of your eCards! They are just so beautiful!
You must tell me how you get those faint horizontal lines. I have always wanted to know that!
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/12 | Reply
thanks ^___^
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/14/12 | Reply
nice this is very good!!
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/12 | Reply
No prob! let me know if it works ^^
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/12 | Reply
Oh thankyou! I have always wanted to know how to do that! But I have always been a bit embarrassed to ask. >///> Thankyou sososo much!

Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/12 | Reply
Well is really easy ;3 Here's a link where you can download this pattern. After you download it you will open the Photoshop and you will make a new document and then you will do this Edit/Fill/Custom Pattern, you will click the symbol that look like an arrow( > something like this) then it will a appear a long bar with lots of options, then one you will click is Load patterns and look for the pattern you just download and then is supposed to put all the different patterns. Then for practice and to know all the different designs open an image and then make a transparent new layer and then you will do this Edit/Fill/Custom Pattern and click the pattern you want in you layer. Then that layer will fill with the pattern. What make the effects of the lines in my card is because I change the layer in Overlay or Soft Light, so that way it will look transparent in the image with only the lines. Hope what I say doesn't sound too much complicated >_>; I suck at English and I suck explaining things ;___; If you have any more questions or something just let me know.
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/12 | Reply
no, I haven't before. I have always wanted to know how everyone does it.
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/12 | Reply
Have you used patterns before?
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/12 | Reply
Gahhh~ I love it!
I can never get enough of your eCards! They are just so beautiful! 
I have always wanted to know that!
You must tell me how you get those faint horizontal lines.
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/12 | Reply
omg that's true ;___;! my English sucks, I'll see if I can fix it :C
Last edited by BabyD at 2:08:52 AM EDT on May 8, 2012.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/07/12 | Reply
This card makes the scene look much more amazing than it even did in the movie o.o
Love the way the scanlines pattern looks and the typography.
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/07/12 | Reply
Wow, the typography and the scan are amazing, and make the message so powerful.