Thank you so much Moonlit! This was actually one of my favorite cards too for the same reason! XD Doing the text was a bit challenging but when I found the right font and sizing it really came together! Doing the text is the toughest part when doing the e-cards, but it's so rewarding when it works out! :)
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Thank you so much ButterFinger! That makes me smile greatly! :D
I love your icon by the way! Take care!
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Thank you so much Moonlit! This was actually one of my favorite cards too for the same reason! XD Doing the text was a bit challenging but when I found the right font and sizing it really came together! Doing the text is the toughest part when doing the e-cards, but it's so rewarding when it works out! :)
Thanks again for the comment!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
Love this Card I would so use it ^_^ Great job !
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/01/12 | Reply
I love this card! :,D It's just seeping with sugary adorableness GAH. ;u; I also love the way you did the text. ♥