One of the best from you in my opinion, it seems that just when you were about to go to school you have risen even for one level more. :D SO... you stay and not go to school? xD
Waaaaa~~~~~ >w<
Aneko-chi, you're amazing! OwO
I forgot about this request >.<
But that so nice :3
You've done it.... GREAT!
Thank you sooooooo much, dear ^_^
Love it ♥_♥
BTW I can't surely understand that girl's pose, but ... Hehe xDD
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/02/12 | Reply
Thank you very much :)
Hahaha I wish it worked that way xDD.
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/01/12 | Reply
Now this is a beautiful looking card!!
One of the best from you in my opinion, it seems that just when you were about to go to school you have risen even for one level more. :D SO... you stay and not go to school? xD
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/01/12 | Reply
@Hanako Sho:
Thank you ! ^-^
Yup, I was so late that you even forgot about it >>
I'm happy that you like it !:DD
You're welcome, Choco-chin ♥
Haha I'm not sure either xD.
Hanako Sho
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/01/12 | Reply
Waaaaa~~~~~ >w<

Aneko-chi, you're amazing! OwO
I forgot about this request >.<
But that so nice :3
You've done it.... GREAT!
Thank you sooooooo much, dear ^_^
Love it ♥_♥
BTW I can't surely understand that girl's pose, but ... Hehe xDD