Well you could of done a couple of things differently. Just for example: could be one transparent picture with some one cryign hard and then a bigger picture with a dark and heavy rainfall and the girl smashing the window or bangign on it maybe while holding tears or emotions back.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/25/09 | Reply
Well you could of done a couple of things differently. Just for example: could be one transparent picture with some one cryign hard and then a bigger picture with a dark and heavy rainfall and the girl smashing the window or bangign on it maybe while holding tears or emotions back.
Pixie Bard (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/25/09 | Reply
well thank you. what do you think i could have done differently.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/25/09 | Reply
Nice wave of colors but it don't think they match the words.