By the way, since I have no intention of zeroing out the great feed back I got on this piece, I will leave its info as is, but even so I'm thankful for Hiddeninthedark's information on it.
Thank you for your kind remarks, but as for your question, I'm not certain what the source of the image is, as it had no apparent classification to it when I got it.
Otakuite | Posted 09/11/11 | Reply
@Ryu no Tsurugi:
Otakuite | Posted 09/11/11 | Reply
Ryu no Tsurugi
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/16/08 | Reply
By the way, since I have no intention of zeroing out the great feed back I got on this piece, I will leave its info as is, but even so I'm thankful for Hiddeninthedark's information on it.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
Yes, so cute! Ultra Maniac is a good anime/manga. :3 And they're such good friends, too. This matches!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
It's really sweet and very true, good job!
Sweet Lullaby
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
Aww! How nice! ^-^ Its got truth to it because a true friend can outlast anything that comes its way...
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
@Ryu no Tsurugi:
Haha anytime
I'd see how not many people have read it, it only has like 5 books total but it's a cute story
Ryu no Tsurugi
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
Ah so that's what its called..clarification appreciated, I shall rectify the piece and credit the information to you, thank you.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
awww how sweet!!!! :3
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
EEEKKK!!!! Ayu and NINA!!!!!! Ultra Maniac is the cutest manga EVER!
Ryu no Tsurugi
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
Thank you for your kind remarks, but as for your question, I'm not certain what the source of the image is, as it had no apparent classification to it when I got it.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
Good job! What manga is this or is it not a manga at all???

Keep up the good work!
Ryu no Tsurugi
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
Just to clarify, the blurryness is intentional, think of it as a graphical representation of the sways of time.